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    Gregor got a reaction from TrixieFaux in Tattoo Crush   
    This +1
  2. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from cltattooing in Rotary vs. Coil   
    Been tattooed by Rotary and Coil , both feel like having a vibrating needle dragged across my skin. Got my first dotwork tattoo though recently and it didnt hurt at all and healed superfast.
  3. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from cltattooing in Tattoo Crush   
    This +1
  4. Like
    Gregor reacted to TrixieFaux in Tattoo Crush   
    Nathan Kostechko
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    Gregor reacted to cltattooing in Tattoo ethics! Am I being to unreasonable?   
    I think @smiling.politely and @irezumi pretty much nailed it. I just wanna throw out one other piece of advice that you can take or leave, but that I have found helpful.
    Pretty much like.. you don't owe anyone your time or talents. If someone wants to pay you for them then get on it, but don't ever feel obligated that you have to go out of your way to draw or tattoo anybody for free. I have found that more often than not, the people who expect a hookup or free work are usually my friends. It's just kind of a bummer because if you like something enough to wear it on you forever, wouldn't you want to support the person/friend doing that for you? The only people who I will ever give the hookup to are loyal clients who have already paid me good money and let me do some fun tattoos. In those situations it's good because, in a sense, you are looking out for each other and it's a two-way street. But more often than not, if you give someone an inch, they will probably expect that inch over again even if they don't try to take a mile.
  6. Like
    Gregor reacted to Graeme in re-introducing myself with a new idea   
    What these guys said. Getting tattooed is meaninful in itself, there's no need to force meaning onto a tattoo. Usually it just means that the strength of the tattoo is compromised for the sake of meaning. Don't get hung up on your idea. A good tattoo has everything to do with the skill and experience of the artist you go to. He or she will be able to design you something that's going to look good, that's going to fit well on your body and will age gracefully with it. The best idea in the world will never make up for poor tattooing. Money isn't important. This is on you for life, go to the best person you can. Pick up extra shifts at work or sell things if you have to. It will be worth it.
  7. Like
    Gregor reacted to 9Years in re-introducing myself with a new idea   
    Here's my opinion:
    1) It's been stated pretty explicitly that cost is not something to be discussed publicly here. If you're unsure, check out some other shops in your area and get a feel for what the hourly rates are.
    2) Take the quote out: it's on the middle of your back (if I'm interpreting your sketch correctly) which you WILL regret later if you get into the whole tattoo-thing long term. That is prime real-estate. Also, the images you've chosen probably represent what you are trying to say anyway and the words will ultimately fall-flat in time (my opinion).
    For what it's worth, I agree with the author of this article regarding text on the body (you might not!):
    The Letter of the Law: Laws for Lettering and Tattoos | Occult Vibrations
    2) I think both of the images could be stronger if placed elsewhere. I would put one on each upper arm. I think the kite-girl could be really cool in the right artist's hands, but I don't think the image is big enough to be a side-piece. Again, that's prime real-estate if you decide to get something larger in the long term.
    3) Instead of feathers, why not something like a phoenix or bird-of-paradise or peacock? I think those animals tend to make for a stronger image.
    Good luck!
  8. Like
    Gregor reacted to semele in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Sixth session, almost done! By Grez. Said goodbye to my old and very odd lower back tattoo yesterday, too.

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    Gregor reacted to Wilhell in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Had a big session on my back by Marius Meyer.

  10. Like
    Gregor reacted to Jnvlv in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    2 cardinals and a blue jay with flowers
    By Matthew Stella of Old Town Ink
    Done Yesterday 2/1/14
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    Gregor reacted to real meta in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Mario Desa put this Higgs flash on me last night at the Philly tat con.

  12. Like
    Gregor reacted to WideOcean in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Hey, so that's the only decent picture I got of my sleeve in its current state. Done in Beijing. It's been fun so far!
  13. Like
    Gregor reacted to williamsejames in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Wolf head from Mike Aul, pretty killer
  14. Like
    Gregor reacted to 9Years in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got this super-awesome psychedelic-multi-eyed-alien-tiger colored in and finished up yesterday (black is healed). Flash and Tattoo by Theo Mindell at Spider Murphy's. Pretty stoked on this lil' guy!!
    You can check the pretty colors on his instagram:
    Or check out a crappy-hotel-room shot attached! What's that saying someone said around here about Tattoos being tough to photo because there ain't no lens that can capture the magic? Totally true in my experience....
  15. Like
    Gregor reacted to CampB in Picosecond laser aka Picosure - the future of tattoo removal?   
    update! @Mike Panic @YOMONEY
    below are pictures after two pico sessions; right before going into my third session today.
    laser time was considerably less this time considering all my shading's gone so there's less area to go over. really bummed about all the hyperpigmentation though.
    so after being less than impressed with the results after my first session, i insisted my dr. to really burn this shit up (he had strongly advised against the settings i requested but i wouldn't have it any other way) so for my neck, he went from 3.7mm to 3.2 and 3.7 to 3.6 for my sleeve and wrists. results were amazing but left me with some scarring on my neck. so this time this is what we did:
    neck: 3.5mm // 2.08 J/cm2 // 10 hz // 2 minutes
    sleeve and wrists: 3.6mm // 1.96 J/cm2 // 10 hz // 27 minutes
    total pulses: 2208
    for the red on Poison's face and lips, we use YAG
    you can probably tell the first photo is what my Lady looked like before i started treatments. :(
  16. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from TrixieFaux in Tattoos After Dark   
    I think its entertaining . Its not pretending to be a show about the bestest tattooers or anything like that. The people in the shop are really affable. Its bubble gum for the brains . Far better than the "tattoo nightmare" type shows they are showing over here , channels in the uk seem to have a fixation for showing tattooing in a really bad light , gypsies , and poor people . Its depressing.
  17. Like
    Gregor reacted to embers in January 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    bryan burk dark horse, los angeles
  18. Like
    Gregor reacted to Graeme in Any metalheads out there?   
    It would have been Jeff Hanneman's 50th birthday today.
  19. Like
    Gregor reacted to JAllen in Tattoo Survey   
    Its the approach that's off putting. Not here nor on the survey site is it stated with any clarity or purpose what the intentions of the study will be. Its a study for a univsersity paper, not a middle school report.
  20. Like
    Gregor reacted to HaydenRose in Tattoo Survey   
    @deadsp0t and @Graeme you both make valid arguments. However, when I clicked the link, this student states that she is an undergraduate Junior. This is not a dissertation, this is some bullshit project probably for an Intro Psych class. At least, that's all I can gather from the severe lack of information. I also did click through the survey, but not submit my answers to see if it is statistically sound (It's not). Give me a survey with a foundation in real research when you're in a PhD program doing a real dissertation, and then maybe I'll participate. ALSO, if you are doing a dissertation or thesis or something for Grad school, then you SHOULD go out and interview tattooers/collectors. You should immerse yourself wholly in the topic, so that you can create an informed measurement of the culture and perceptions of tattoos. To me, I equate it to not studying the brain (it's structure, physiology, etc.), but going ahead and conducting cognitive tests on subjects anyway.
  21. Like
    Gregor reacted to Graeme in Tattoo Survey   
    Nobody is entitled to have anybody participate in their research. If this poster was an active and contributing member to this forum, was getting tattoos, had experience, photos, and stories to share, then posted that she was taking this course and wanted to do this particular assignment about tattoos and could we help her by doing this survey, then maybe I'd be willing to help. Doing what she did, however, by coming here and asking us to take a survey with no indication of who she is, what her research question is, what her interest or involvement in tattoos is...what does she expect? If she ends up with shitty research because she doesn't understand what she's trying to study and how to approach it, that's on her, not on me or anybody else here for not participating.
  22. Like
    Gregor reacted to smiling.politely in Tattoo Survey   
    I took the survey, out of consideration of what @deadsp0t said. That said, the survey was far lacking in it's ability to gather information from anyone who isn't getting tattooed for the Google/Pinterest flash reasons. I left a comment in the final page informing Charlotte as such, in what I felt were blunt, yet polite terms. I mainly did this so she would see it, because there's a good chance she won't be part of the discourse here beyond one or two posts.
    "Try to go out into the world of tattoos. Go to tattoo shops and learn a bit. Perhaps, even get tattooed a few times as part of your research. Anthropologists should immerse themselves in a culture to learn about it, right? I encourage you to do the same."
    (not all of what I said, but a short selection that summed it up)
  23. Like
    Gregor reacted to Dbeatdano in Tattoo Survey   
    Yeah I didn't join this forum to do surveys. However, if you have some tattoo stories or pictures, I'm interested in those.
  24. Like
    Gregor reacted to Graeme in Tattoo Survey   
    Read these threads:
    If you're going to come here and ask for something but not contribute anything you're in the wrong place.
  25. Like
    Gregor reacted to TrixieFaux in Tattoos After Dark   
    If you don't go in expecting much, which of course we didn't, the show can be kind of funny. We appreciate the dry sense of humor of the British piercer, especially. Good show to fall asleep to. As much as I'm sure it is staged like all tv is--it still pretty much captures the essence of Hollywood and Venice.
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