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Everything posted by Gregor

  1. Billy Hay has started to do some awesome Japanese work. Its lovely
  2. First thing i thoughjt of when i read that post ...
  3. Haha not the case in Glasgow lol . My friend from Glasgow , but now living in Sweden , told me that one of the reasons he hates Sweden was that a bunch of guys tried to mug him , and he hit one of them and the others ran away lol .... I have a problem with the way the media portrays Americans , because every American I have met IRL have been spot on lovely people, honest and trustworthy.
  4. I take multivits as I am a weak ass vegetarian. I also take ibuprofen and antihistamines till the redness goes. I got force lightening added to me sw skulls last wednesday and they are nearly healed and i didnt really do anything just wash regularly. I think my previous healing problems were due to using harsh soap.
  5. Plague doctors, skull morphs, cthulu , knuckle duster & roses , taz ....
  6. Talking about Shoreditch and how pretentious it is , heres a bit of graff which has appeared there recently , which sez it all ... http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7248/6939182804_44b4f8477a.jpg' alt='6939182804_44b4f8477a.jpg'> Mobstr by 4foot2, on Flickr[/img]
  7. Its not new, even 20 years ago we would go to Glasgow art school on a night out and there was plenty of bespectacled cardigan wearers there
  8. I was watching re-runs of London Ink the other day. I think it was the best of the "Ink" shows and decent artists too (apart from Dan Gold whos work tho good, nowhere near as good as the others )
  9. My friend got tattooed in Bali, unfortunately it was his first time, didnt have a clue about aftercare, went scuba diving the next day and its pretty ruined. Looks like it was a nice tattoo tho and he said it was a great experience . Welcome to the forum by the way dont let the cowboys get you down !
  10. Apologies if any of you guys are Eskimo's in real life
  11. No offense but when I read the descriptions in this its in the voice of a Southpark Canadian...
  12. Irn Bru is the biggest selling soft drink in Scotland outselling Coca Cola and Pepsi. They also make the funniest adverts, this is the most recent one on tv just now:
  13. Just about every popular spirit brand you can think of from Smirnoff to Jose Cuervo is owned by them ... Whisk(e)y
  14. Your asking strangers to advise you on how to mark your body for life ! Thats the point .
  15. They closed down their Kilmarnock plant (the place that makes Johnny Walkers and also where it originates from ) after 192 years ! Basically tore the heart out of a small working class town on the west of Scotland BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Glasgow, Lanarkshire and West | Salmond slams Diageo management
  16. Get an Eagle fighting a knife wielding monkey
  17. Talisker = Diageo so I wouldnt buy it. Its a nice dram tho . Its from Skye rather than Islay so it doesnt have that peaty medicinal quality you get with the likes of Laphraog
  18. I cant stop going on about William Lawsons thats the best blended Whiskey I have tasted. With single Malts I lean towards Macallan, Auchentoshan or Glengoyne, Lawsons is just as good IMO
  19. I love a nice bottle of J & B rare (despite my attempts at boycotting Diageo), can go on about all the fancy poncy single malt whiskeys there are , but sometimes a nice blend does the business. Someone gave me a bottle of Grants too , I'll crack that open when I need to clean my paintbrushes ! Cant believe the same company makes Glenfiddich ...
  20. Brilliant stuff Japanese Kids Draw Henry | Hello Henry
  21. Richie Clarke is a quality artist deffo worth a visit
  22. Should keep an eye on Thou art in Sheffield , they have great artists and also get loads of amazing guests from all over the place (I think Jim Miner is there just now ) Thou Art | Facebook
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