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Everything posted by Gregor

  1. Like black and grey not so sure about hyper colour ones plus it still baffles me why ppl get movie stars tattood on them. theres no doubting tho that cecil porter and the like are excellent at what they do . It all seems very getting a colour photocopy put on you not that creative. I do love the black and grey ones tho even if shit von d made every scratcher around think they could put deformed faces on everyone ...
  2. Its beautifully applied but feels very faddy and trendy . kinda like tribal lol does that make sense ? its not very sincere to me its clinical. Math does a similar style but nicer imo Tattoo work : EVENMOREBLACK
  3. heres a wee snap of my latest , proper healed pics to follow....
  4. I can imagine thats its no fun for the tattooer or the tattoo'd to get that kind of tattoo done ...
  5. I dont think its hard to see even for a tourist like myself that the dragon is shockingly bad
  6. just got my "Vader Skull" today by Marcus Maguire pics later .... heres the stencil ...
  7. if its a very hairy area like the leg , i usually run over it with the electric clippers to save the tattooer razors lol
  8. thats fuckin lovely gonna get a big skull on saturday ...
  9. yeah hand tattoos and empty arms dont look right ... but the tattoo is cool
  10. I just started at a new job in an office, i wasnt intending to show any of my tattoos off , but the shirt i was wearing was slightly see through and someone saw the dark outline of my tattoo . it brought up the whole tattoo conversation and now it turns out that everyone in my team including my bosses succumbed to the tribal trend and they all seem to have a crappy bit of tribal somewhere . now i'm quite happy to expose my tattoo (lots of girls in the office have those celebrity type hand tattoos and nothing else lol) but i have to keep my tattoo snobbery in check and not tell anyone what i think about their tribal or old english name tattoos ! I fuckin hate the mauling i got when ppl saw my tattoo(do they go up and touch other strangers ?) and all the how much? , how long? and how painful? questions ....
  11. dont connect to facebbook to log in, sign up seperately
  12. Some excellent old photos of Terry Wrigleys work on the Irezumi Glasgow (Steven Wrigley) facebook site . Especially the studio photos lol ... http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.180546654414.123471.179858484414
  13. suppose whenever your name gets called from the waiting list ...
  14. those fuckers should be looting buckingham palace
  15. I get thge feeling that the police are being deliberately crap to prove a point. plus wheres the teargas ???
  16. I think uniformity is boring and I fully intend to be covered with a clash of styles from different artists . For me each tattoo is an individual piece of artwork not a part of a big jigsaw.
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