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Everything posted by Gregor

  1. Bad photos (part of the reason I dont upload many tattoo photos) heres my dotwork tibetan skull so far . Its still to get more stuff added Fuckin spot appeared right in the eye whilst healing :)
  2. Gregor

    Last FM

    Anybody scrobble ? Heres my profile : geeeoner
  3. That new ministry lp is a toe tapper. digging it a lot.
  4. Uncle Allan is the most metal of all tattooers and you'd think Fenriz could've gone to him
  5. Flame shirts rule . I had never heard the word "persnickety" before. and you yanks think us brits talk funny .....
  6. Remember Skrewdriver were not just a band they helped run the whole blood and honour neo nazi movement , having one "non-nazi" pub rock lp does not excuse all the shit they caused.
  7. I'm no into having sleeves so even though i have coverage on most of my arms i'll leave space between. I don't plan I generally get an idea that becomes an obsession , and then it gets done. I want to know though - full back piece versus lots of different work from various artists on your back , what do you think ?
  8. Wow astounding stuff I fuckin love this
  9. I love the comments ("you tatt really well!" What ?) , its the poking and prodding im not cool with, just cos I have a couple of tattoos doesnt mean you can touch them for fuxake.
  10. @youthcrewalex love that dont have a spare 50 quid though :(
  11. Mate your work is beautiful, Im gonna get one of those shirts i think. That reaper print looks awesome any chance of a better picture?
  12. I just got some dotwork. I love it. Im going to get more.
  13. My pal is covered in really shite little tattoos but they look really good on him . pure punk rawk.
  14. Had some Bactine sprayed on me whilst getting Tattooed didn't notice any difference.
  15. Been tattooed by Rotary and Coil , both feel like having a vibrating needle dragged across my skin. Got my first dotwork tattoo though recently and it didnt hurt at all and healed superfast.
  16. I have 3 star wars tattoos and one inspired by the Locke and Key comic book . Would love to get a they live tattoo maan big rowdy roddy
  17. since I lost a load of weight last year I have crashed pretty badly both times I have been tattooed. I always make sure I have lots to eat before hand , I probably just got less sugar in me than before or something ....
  18. Anyone check the pilot for that fuckin awful thing with the baldy guy from miami ink and bob tyrell ? oooft!
  19. Hate that vibration feeling worse than the pain, same feeling when I got my knee done . Sorest and hardest heal for me so far was top of the thigh , was limping for a week after that.
  20. Maxime Buchi or Duncan X all the way !!
  21. I gave up, fed up with the constant safe modes and respringing. I restored mines to factory. Rooted the phone though and installed liquid smooth rom
  22. that mad bio fire honeycomb thing ? Amazing stuff . The Vulture is amazing too
  23. I like realism, doesnt fuss me whether it'll last or not, i suspect thats down to the technique and talent of the artist, and the pigments used. Saying that If I got the chance to get some work done by Mr Devries or Mr Porter, I think I would go for something different than the usual hyper real colour portrait. For example check out the stuff that Bez from triplesix does - amazing. What I dont like however, is skin rips , has to be the shittiest of all tattooes, esp when combined with realism.
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