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Posts posted by MsRad

  1. Valerie's totally right. for the best advice, you should talk to someone in person.

    also, there is this guy who used to post on this board, but who we haven't seen in a while. i'm not suggesting him, as i've never met him, and can't speak of his credibility, but if he's close to you, you might want to check him out.

  2. those who line their pockets chatting to each other about all aspects of the industry

    you just hit the nail on the head. here's the thing, most of us don't talk about all aspects of the industry, especially those of us who don't tattoo. it's kind of like a secret recipe, you might get most of the basic ingredients, maybe even their amounts, but the spices or the signature ingredient is left out. because why pay for the milk if you can get the cow for free?

    most of us (at least i think) are perfectly fine with not knowing every single detail about what it takes to make a tattoo if we're not tattooing. there are aspects of the industry that i'm curious about, and if i asked an artist in person about them, i might even get an answer, but if i was told "sorry i'm not going to answer that", then i would respect it and back off. while your statement about the internet is true, that you can learn just about anything from searching around, this community is not the answer to all of your questions, and if someone says "no" then you should also respect that there is a reason why they said "no". it's ok to ask, and i agree, if you're new to something, you may not be aware of boundaries, but when someone says to "stop", then you should stop. this goes to most situations in life, online and off.

  3. Well if its any help, speaking as someone who asked the troublesome questions, but who has no interest in learning how to tattoo, I can totally understand your frustration. And I do read lots and lots of posts regarding the history and the works of tattooers. I just do not comment because I feel my opinion will be slammed, and perhaps with good reason.

    I would offer a solution...now bear with me on this...

    If the forum had a section titled something like " How To Tattoo - Technical Questions and Answers", those who wanted to post questions that annoy the artists would have somewhere to do so, and the artists would know to ignore that section completely.

    Every time someone posted a technical question elsewhere the moderators could move it, and every time the question was ignored the asker would learn that this was not the place to ask.

    It seems like work, but it may stop people getting annoyed, although no doubt this suggestion will do just that?

    Bottom line, if Scott and co wanted this a tattooers only forum, that's what it would be.

    how about if people who do not tattoo just don't ask technical questions? it would appear that tattoo artists usually ask other artists, face to face or in private through email. that's probably for the best.

  4. could someone suggest a type of lettering for names. i wish to put names of my 2 boys on the body..maybe one on each forearm..but i have no talent to create the lettering. also could you recommend a artist in jersey..thanks in advance for ur help:cool:

    if you're also willing to travel, there's a plethora of artists in New York that might be worth looking at. Favorites around here would be those at Smith Street, NY Adorned, and Saved.

  5. Im far from heavily tattooeed I have an anchor on my toe as I love the look of knuckle tattoos but I dont have enough other tattoos yet for them to look right. This is just my opinion but I think I would look strange with my knuckles done and nothing on my lower arms.

    there is a strong opinion around these parts that you should be heavily tattooed before you even consider getting your hands tattoo. now this doesn't have to be your opinion, but just putting it out there.

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