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Posts posted by MsRad

  1. a vegan place that serves cheese?

    it's a nutritional yeast based cheeze(that's how a lot of vegan places differentiate it from dairy based cheeses, since us vegans are apparently too easily confused) sauce. i think it has some mustard, garlic powder, soy milk, and possibly cashews too. it's a fairly basic vegan mac n' cheeze recipe.

  2. I have my son's name tattooed on me (above a baby skull) and that's about it and that's funny because I have what I thought was my first sons name tattooed in a banner below a traditional crying baby. I tried to get custody of him when he was six months old and did a paternity test and found out he wasn't mine and of course when she couldn't get any money out of me she stopped letting me see him. But the tattoo is in such a place that i am pretty much stuck with it forever.

    that's really Sad David. that's gotta be a really hard situation to go through.

  3. @MsRad can you give me directions to that bakery you were talking about near Blackheart. I'm going there tommorrow for my appointment with Tim.

    shit! i forgot! anyways, the bakery is Tartine! 600 Guerrero Street, San Francisco, CA 94110-1528. if you decide to head back over to Blackheart (or that direction, Grime is fairly close by as well), you're going to want to head down Valencia towards 14th street, then make a right on 18th street. don't sweat it if you don't make it by there, as you have some of the best bakeries in the world in Europe, but if you can manage to fit it in to your schedule, it would be worth the trip back out to the mission.

  4. been meaning to get a healed pic of this up. scott sylvia started this one on me (outline + shading) last fall SFO convention...finished a few weeks ago. craaaaazy fast and scott was a real gent - got me in for an additional session 2nd day to finish up. totally stoked with how it turned out and the overall experience in general...

    i have the in progress pictures for your tattoo on my computer haha. did you get the healed pic from Scott?

  5. nice! the meatmen!! sidestory about seeing them in atlanta, at one point during the show after shooting large blasts of fire across the ceiling of the club tesco vee had a giant 5 foot strap-on that shot confetti out into the crowd. i can remember going to shows at the same club for years after and every once in awhile just the right about of sonic force from whoever was playing would cause some of that same confetti to rain down from the rafters. each time this would happen it would bring me right back to the memory of him blasting it out of that giant strap-on.

    i saw them last year and he still has a giant 5 foot strap-on that shoots confetti out to the crowd.

  6. You can't get it or see it? I can't get it on our lame cable up here so I had to aquire it. I'm sure this is not the place for talk like this but feel free to message me :)

    not as a streaming version, no. and i don't have cable. i have another roommate who "aquires" things, and it slows down our internet so much that the rest of us (i live in a house with 4 other people), can't enjoy the internet at all.

  7. There's no way he 'loves' tattoos and doesn't have any. Period. Nothing you can say will change my mind on that. All you did was prove Bart's comment that most of the people tattooing who aren't heavily tattooed are in it for the money because they couldn't make it in other art related jobs. There's no way he would make more money as a photographer. Every asshole with a camera fancies themselves a photographer now a days, it's a very very hard field to make money in, unless you are truly talented.

    it's really hard to make money as a photographer even if you are talented(one of the largest international photography prizes (the HCB award)is only $70,000, which sounds like a lot, but it's a grant and meant to be used to pay for equipment, travel, assistants, etc. and that all adds up quickly). but that's not why most photographers take pictures. they do it because they love it.

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