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Posts posted by MsRad

  1. i have a large, almost finished ship on one of my thighs (since it's not finished, i have not posted photos of it in the ship thread) by El Brad Mariachi. on my left thigh, i have a smaller piece of a snake with a dagger going through it, and an envelope in it's mouth from Mario Desa. that left thigh is where all my "dark" tattoos are going to go (the really fucked up ones) since my right leg is becoming lyric themed.

  2. thanks guys..that seems to be what most have told me. valerie i did have a suspicion that as i got more tattoos, perhaps some tuffer ones, i would start to think less about this one. decisions decisions

    is that what you're worried about? looking tough?

    while i don't know you, i do know that i'd be more inclined to talk to a person with a tattoo to remember their pet than someone with a tattoo design that appears to be more "masculine" by stereotype. you are who you are, and you love your dog (and that speaks highly of you in my book). tattoo's won't change that and won't make you any more or less tougher than your own personality dictates. and fuck what others think or say about you due to your tattoo. it was done by a stellar artist, and it's a very simple, but clean design.

    hell, i have a tribute to my deceased rabbit on my forearm and i'm an ex skin! i've got not shame in my love for Henry, as he was the feistiest rabbit i've ever met, and he matched every bit as much of my aggro tendencies during those days. if someone wanted to mock me, i'd deck in the face still to this day, and i know that Henry will be grunting, lunging, and nipping at their heels in spirit.

  3. "I'm bi polar, but you would never know it, unless you're really close to me."

    Not to make fun of someone with a mental illness, but you basically spelled it all out for us right there.

  4. Venice Beach when i was 13. i was able to go see my cousin, who was living in Northridge at the time, for my 8th grade graduation present. She took me to Venice Beach and we looked at all the tattoo shops on the boardwalk as she wanted to get a Winnie the Pooh tattoo (which she eventually did, though I'm not sure where she got it done...). I remember feeling like the shops were sketch (which most of them appear to be still), but also being really fascinated, and feeling grown up as no one had ever taken me to a tattoo shop before.

  5. The problem with the list is that the list isn't for tattoo community. Take Shaquille for example, ask majority of the us household and they'll tell u that he's a big black basketball player with lots of tattoos. Ask this same people who grime is and they'll say it's dirt.

    I don't know this Bob dude but since most of u guys out there think he's a piece of shit I guess he is. But with a proper top 20 maybe he can redeem himself. But there is a saying "u can't polish turd"

    if this list isn't for the tattoo community, then is it for the general public? does the general public actually read Bob Baxter's blog, the Vanishing Tattoo site, or Skin and Ink? i feel like most of the people who are visiting those sites and reading Skin and Ink are the one's trying to get in the know, and who are enthusiastic about the community (at least in some way, for better or for worst).

  6. This is another reason why people should have IQ tests before getting a tattoo, in my opinion.

    i've known some really intelligent people who have done really, really stupid things.

    i say let these people sell their foreheads; it's their body and the work speaks for itself. it's also clear to everyone they encounter that they are not thoroughly thinking through their choices, and that they are an anomaly to even the world of tattooing.

  7. I couldn't find the list you mentioned. I also got immediately turned off by the rest of the content of that website. Their tattoo design of the week was cheesy generic killer whale flash. hmmmm no thanks.

    but there's even a tattoo celebrity of the week!

  8. While I can relate to being pissed off about general rudeness, I feel some things tattooists need to lighten up on. Basically being unknowledgable about tattoos in general, asking questions we have heard a million times before, bringing references on phones, wanting stuff that is too detailed or won't work. A gentle approach goes a long way.

    The way I look at it, I patronize a lot of business where I don't know jack, and I don't appreciate being treated like an idiot for not being in the know. A good example is when I went back to my local print shop. I was asking why I couldn't open a certain file which was a flash sheet I had scanned to a tiff file. The print shop guy snapped at me "ITS A MULTI PAGE TIFF FILE!! YOU CAN'T OPEN IT UNLESS YOU HAVE PHOTOSHOP!!" I am like ok, can you change it to a file that I can open? Again snappage "I CAN'T DO THAT! YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE ORIGINAL IMAGE!" I am like "ok, I have that, could you please scan it again?". I also had them saved as PDFs for easy printing. So he was like "I am just going to change these PDFs into JPEGS". I said I would prefer to have both, as the PDFs print original size and all. Even more snappage " UNLESS YOU ARE GOING TO PRINT THEM OUT, THERE IS NO USE". I calmly explain to him that they are commercial art, of course I am going to print them out. Then I ask if I have the jpegs and alter them, they can be saved into PDFs again, right? More snappage "ONLY IF YOU HAVE PHOTOSHOP!" The guy was literally yelling at me. Needless to say, I won't be doing business there again.

    Think about that the next time a customer says asks about things that seem readily apparent to you. A lot of times people are not trying to be difficult. You are the expert, not them. Try and take this into consideration.

    i know this isn't relevant to this thread, but i think you need to find a new print shop. that guy sounds like the idiot.

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