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Posts posted by MsRad

  1. I liked this but then realized how stupid that would look. I will just say thanks for the tip and hopefully Black Metal Robin shows up soon.

    that's ok. i posted a visitor message on his profile, so he should know now that we're concerned and thinking of him. hopefully he's ok, and wasn't in any of the locations where this shit is going down. i don't get why anyone would target Norway? i suppose it will be answered over the next 24 hours or so.

  2. my only question, and i'm only asking because this issue has been discussed on here, is does this bring too much government attention then to tattooing in general? will this then be grounds for more regulation on tattooing as a whole?

    i'm all for writing letters, but i guess i'm also worried that it will do more harm than good. maybe it won't though?

  3. oh man, Iwar, i just saw pictures. events like these are always hard to stomach, no matter how close or how far you live from where they take place, because (at least for me) they make you feel vulnerable. i feel like if it could happen at x spot, it could happen at y and z too. there's a lot of uncertainty, but like my father said after 9-11 when i asked what we should do?: "go to bed, and wake up the next morning to a new day."

  4. Been missing the last couple of days. I just ended a relationship with someone I was dating for 2 years, and had my stuff on the front porch when I came home from boxing Monday night. I stayed up until 3 a.m. moving my things into my friend's workshop and garage. It has been a rough week but I had a place to stay the last 2 days. Luckily I found a great Apt, and a friend of mine that I skate with in good spot and move in tomorrow. A lot of good things have been going on and I'm feeling happier than ever. Has anyone been through this kind of experience?

    oh man that's hard, but yes, it's also amazing at the same time! sometimes a big change is for the best, and there's no way around it.

  5. Well although I live here, I'm living in the Tokyo area. I can"t say how well the shops in the southern part of Japan are, but one of the most well known shops in the south is Chopstick. What type of tattoo is your friend looking for, that can help me direct you in the right direction.

    i can vouch for Ton at Chopstick Tattoo. his work is solid, but Osaka is a 3 hour train ride from Hiroshima. Hiroshima is my favorite place (so far) in Japan, but i didn't come across any tattoo shops while i was there. then again, i also wasn't looking very hard.

  6. i've been thinking about this..i have on my left arm right now a tattoo of my dog on my shoulder, and a longhorn bull head on my inner bicep. i want to get an eagle / banner, but maybe i should put it on the other arm and save that space for a non-animal design?


    over half of my tattoos have animals in them, and i'm about to have a sleeve of animals. i don't think there can ever be too many if those are the designs you want.

  7. oh and, i have my second interview today to be a kitten nursery caregiver! if i get the job, i'll be in charge of taking care of 12 litters of kittens, all under 8 weeks, as part of a new pilot program at our local Humane Society. Jackson's already come up with a name for me, "Robin Doolin, kitten cuddler!" i told him it made me sound like i was a detective haha. the program is to help also educate people on the importance of spaying and neutering their cats!

  8. MsRad, henry tattoo is rad. (Named after Rollins>?)

    Nope! i wanted to originally name him Artichoke (i like naming pets after various foods for some reason), and his nickname would've been Arti, but my partner at the time told me that the name didn't fit him. so i said, "well, what name does fit him then?" and to which Paul replied, "he looks like a Henry!" ever since, everyone has thought i named him after Rollins since i also really like him, but they are all wrong. just a coincidence!

  9. Ursula I did the same thing for awhile, not wanting any visible tattoos and then one day I just said fuck it and got a skull and cross bones on my wrist and I think I got a panther head on the back of my forearm the next week and there went that idea. You got me thinking it's only like 11 hour drive to San Francisco so what am I waiting for.

    10 and a half if you go 80mph.... haha

  10. well if the work itself has not been registered before 1978, then by all means, it's public domain. no rights are retained by anyone, and anyone can freely use it if they can obtain a copy of it (though there can be restrictions placed on it if the work is owned by a collector, institution, etc.; they can choose who can and who cannot receive a copy from them and what projects will be approved). any and all works dated before 1923, and where copyright has not been renewed, are also public domain. also, a lot of government works are also public domain based on public interest, but that's a whole different story. you are, techinically speaking, still supposed to apply for permissions to whoever owns the item in it's original form, but there are loopholes when things have been published and if you're making an artist rendition of the original piece.

  11. I just get (when I am able to again) classic looking stuff. Shit that will look good when I am 70. The lower part of my arms will have something that gives others (and me of course) a good feeling. Tattoos are visible, social, and I want them to match my inner persona. Even more when they are visible to everyone most of the time. Now my lower part of arms have shit. Grude horror tattoo, some crap I took when I didnt know any better and some text.

    Not me. Or not the world I want to portray. This is a good text

    When I do go to other artists though I would love to just say to them "I love the tattoos you do. I would like to set up an appointment. But I want to get something that you have been wanting to try to do" or something like that. Let them pick what to tattoo on that particular spot, to get their creative jucies flowing for what shape and flow it will have.

    i can completely relate to these responses. i have a piece on the inside (thank god) of my left forearm that features a candle coming out of my arm, cut by a giant razorblade, with the script "you live" underneath it. the tattoo is based off song lyrics by a band i no longer enjoy nearly as much (mistake #1) as i used to, and that i decided to have done on a whim. i didn't really even like the tattoo, but since a friend was tattooing it, and insisted on that design, i went with it (mistake #2). now everyone asks me if it's a tribute to someone who died, suicide, etc. my partner's dad even jokingly asked me if was "a tribute to my cutting days." needless to say i was embarrassed and didn't find it funny at all.

    now, i'm hoping i can get it covered up, and i really have the same sentiments as CaptCanada. i've got three rules: it can't be vulgar, it can't be related to drugs or alcohol (i've been sober for 10 years), no nudity. that goes for any of my other tattoos (though i have a few funny ones i want in places that will not be seen by the public, such as my upper thigh). and i'll of course have a budget, but i just really want the tattoo gone. it probably will need to be lasered, but as was previous discussed in another thread, there hasn't been a good recommendation for doctor/technician here in the bay, and i haven't had the time or money to thoroughly investigate it.

    in general though, most of my tattoos are planned out. i have thought of some ridiculous (like a giant black heart) ideas to cover the above mentioned piece, and i've thought of some non-ridiculous ideas. i've always wanted a tattoo for the song "Blackbird" by the Beatles, as i rediscovered it during a time of my life where a lot of stuff was changing, and it's stayed my anthem for the last 5 years. but i don't know if that's the place to do it, if it can be done there, and i don't want to restrict it based on space or a cover up. so i guess, in the end, we'll see what happens.

    going back to the original question, i too also feel like the tattoos on me are a timeline or a map, but i also try to sleep on most of the designs that i want, at least for a while, before having them tattooed. i don't usually have the placement or the end result completely planned out, but i have the initial idea, and i'll just keep it in the back of my mind and see how many times it comes up when i look, listen, or experience something. if it's something i really want done, more often than not, i'll be reminded of it on a daily basis unintentionally.

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