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Everything posted by MsRad

  1. tomorrow/Monday/February 14th (it depends on where you are i suppose).
  2. there was a medical study that came out last year showing that red heads have more sensitive skin. it has something to do with the gene that gives them red pigmented hair if i remember correctly...
  3. the leaves in that body suit make my heart flutter. they're so beautiful.
  4. MsRad


    wow, thanks for all of the responses! i'm still trying to figure out all the logistics as i may be moving back to Oakland soon (keep your fingers crossed), so i'm waiting to see what happens before signing a contract with a gym. Loch had a great recommendation for a local gym, but does anyone else from the area have one? i figure the more places i learn about, the more options i have. Tammy, let us know how it goes! i'd love to hear your perspective on it.
  5. i never even thought about getting this tattooed on me. i do have a pendant with it on it that i carry in my pocket wherever i go (it was given to me by a former nun, Sr. Sumedha) to remind me of the precepts and to be conscious always.
  6. my thoughts exactly hogg, but that has nothing to do with getting them lasered off.
  7. really? does anyone think tattoos are cool solely based on a parent having them?
  8. never really thought about an instrument before as i don't currently play one. thanks for the suggestion.
  9. i asked Nick to do a rock of ages on me, but with a play on words. i've always wanted a record player carved out of stone amongst the waves rather than a cross. hopefully we can coordinate something a little later on this year.
  10. jeez, this has turned into a much more in depth conversation than i had hoped for... oh and Rockel, nice try, but that's not really what i was meaning. this thread isn't about what i like anyways, i was just simply stating my opinion. this discussion is actually making me feel really uncomfortable, and i no longer feel that i want to further discuss my opinion publicly. if anyone would like to discuss this further privately, you can PM me.
  11. MsRad


    yea i know a bit about PRS, but they seemed way out of my price range and i'm not sure that i want to make an ass out of myself in front of people that i know haha.
  12. MsRad


    anyone box or has anyone boxed in the past? thinking about signing up to a small boxing gym out near where i live, but i thought i'd see if anyone else has done it and could give some mroe insight. obviously, i don't expect a boxing gym to be like a 24hour fitness, and i realize that boxing is not the same as yoga or track (though i imagine both of those could help perhaps? agility and cardio?). i've tried my hand at both weight training and rugby, so i'm not afraid of contact or weights. just looking for something fun and new to get back into shape with, not looking to start a professional career or anything. any thoughts?
  13. also, i really like that first picture that Loch posted to start this thread. i thought it was adorable, and more along the lines of what i'm talking about.
  14. you're absolutely right Huero. but i'm still sick of seeing pictures of them, especially when the images all appear the same to me. i'd just like to see something that deviates from it get as much publicity. i'm just as much a conformist as those hipsters, only in a different way and i'm not denying it. i'm just tired of seeing the same ol' shit, and seeing it being perpetuated as "beautiful" or "interesting" when to me, and again this is my opinion, it feels like a commodity and boring. as i already stated, if Loch is drawn to those pictures because he happens to like tall, skinny, scantilly clad women with long dark hair who are semi-heavily tattooed, then that's fine and more power to him. however, i'd like to see more people being elevated to that same standard of beauty for just being who they are and happening to be photographed, rather than posing for these shots that are set up to perpetuate a standard that already exists within both mainstream society and underground subcultures, and one that i feel many are using tattoos and tattooing, an artform that was not considered to be a part of this standard for many years, as a way to gain some "edgey" advantage. mind you too, that i have no problem with posed shots (as evidence by my liking of that second image that Loch posted), but the shot to me is evoking of something more than "look at me! i'm beautiful and unique! love me!" alslo, for some of the examples you mentioned Huero, there are social and economic reasons for why a given group has chosen a specific esthetic (skinheads and fred perry's for example), and it has symbolized something more than just esthetic appeal or interest. again, this is just my opinion. i noticed that you like a lot of pictures of "hipster" (my term, not yours) looking people, which is fine. there's just more to photography and tattoos out there than that however. oh, and for those of you who are reading this and remember the debate on Little Linda, well there was a video of her that i found showing what it takes for her to look like she does in her photographs. it included her wearing a wig and having a makeup artists present. personally, in my opinion, i thought she looked much more beautiful with her short hair and without all the other aesthetic gimmicks. made me miss my short hair. call me a naturalist i suppose. oh and one more thing. for the record, mold was Loch's term, not mine (not that it really matters though). it made sense to use it in order to continue the conversation. *edited to be less reactionary*
  15. oh and for that matter, hipsters fall into the mold as well. i'll post examples of what i feel falls outside of it later tonight when i get home from getting tattooed myself.
  16. the second picture in the last set feels like it breaks away from the mold. the rest of them are still skinny people with long dark hair with semi-heavy coverage (but i guess you like what you like right? no shame in that). as far as being straght edge is concerned, no clue. it doesn't feel like it to me, but then again Jackson always says it comes and goes in waves. i just don't really pay attention i guess.
  17. Scott, when you get back home, i want to talk to you about working on a sleeve.
  18. speaking of sexual organ based desserts...
  19. That's really awesome Deb! Seriously, that tattoo is beyond good!
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