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Shannon Shirley

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Posts posted by Shannon Shirley

  1. and likewise......you dont know me. Extra long words dont make you intelligent or a ''tattoo expert''. if you knew anything about me you would know, a primadonna ?,I am not. Im one of the most self criticle people I know. I know I suck. And I dont think going to get a tattoo is anything like going to a doctor.

    I very much understand the creative process, Shannon Shirley. You dont know me. And more than that, I know how to do business with integrity.

    It's really no different than going to my doctor. He should be well-aware of his limitations and have the decency to refer me to a specialist when he's in over his head.

    Based on your response (and your pics), I suspect youre one of those primadonna tattooist that I'd not want any work from anyway nor would I from any tattooer that doesnt understand my perspective as a collector and consumer.

    Moreover, the rudeness of your comments shouldn't be nearly as concerning to you as their divisiveness and the manifestation of your ignorance.

  2. I met dan a long time ago. he has become a folkhero because of his elusive character. he had great vision and understanding a long time ago. he like many of us, are just artists.if youre not interested ,dont comment,exactly,who cares?.we do. this sort of crap is for us.do you get it?

    All this big deal about this dude. It's a little carried away I think.
  3. hhmmmm....not sure I agree. It seems to me that tattooers used to have a style, which is really just a personality. in the last 15 to 20 yrs it seems to have become'' specialties''.... maybe that's just my personal copout, having always takin walkins in street shops. yeah youre probably right,my mentor ,GTC truly stunk at color, he hated it. I never really was able to ''get it'' until I was around ''colorists''.But back to the point ,...these shows ,are about diversity. Painting,etc. Maybe I should have stuck to signpainting,which Ive done since I was 12. I didnt start Tattooing till I was 24. And I still feel only, proficent.

    That's true of any vocation once the level of 'artistry' is attained. Musicians, painters, sculptors, doctors, lawyers, but until then the best you can hope for is being a good copyist or practitioner.

    Imagine going to a brain surgeon and asking him how to handle a hyperactive five year old. Personally, I am perfectly fine with tattoo artists having specialties. Its the ones that say/think they can do it all that make me leery.

  4. I remember back then , I think It was that cat..'Henri ....had worked for her and left to open on his own, If Im not mistaken.

    not sure to be honest. i have 2 friends that worked for her, but i havent seen or heard from them in ten or more years. the big easy seems to just suck people up and keep them in some sort of limbo.
  5. that's just what it is.....Did Jackie pass? I remember her,,80's NTA conventions.

    his story about Jackie went something like this;

    "you heard of this lady named Jackie?"

    "yeah! from New Orleans. she was like the first black person to own a shop (as far as i know at least) and one of the first black ladies to tattoo as well!"

    "yeah well when she came in my shop a bunch of years back i told her 'i dont think women should tattoo, and i dont like n____s, so you should probably turn around and gtfo' "

    yeah i felt pretty dumb after that for my initial enthusiasm. gotta learn when to keep my trap shut.

  6. Hahaha........I bet he knew Charlie Cartwright, same time at the pike. PC didn't exist back then. But that name seems familiar,as Ive heard a lot of stories.QUOTE=irezumi;29763]Guy named Jack Witt. Used to work on The Pike back in the 60s and early 70s. Moved east in mid-70s and opened up shop in Savannah about 35 or 36 years ago. Not the most PC of people, but idk too many tattooers from his age that are. He has a lot of history to share, and hair-raising stories of The Pike and his days as a HA in the 60s.

    Deb briefly met him, but with not a great impression from what she said here.

  7. I have touble understanding why alot of people don't stand up in the middle of these bad situations and leave or worse.

    I just tell 'em the truth...usually "it's not to my taste, but if it makes you happy, kool".

    And as far as bad work being the artists fault, sometimes!

    I went into a shop in Rockford, Illinois, I won't say the name, but it's on State Street, right downtown. IT was just a spu-o-the-monet gig, I was with my new Lady, and wanted a name in a scroll covered. Old, old ink. Guy looks at it, no problem, and proceeds to mutilate the shit out if it. I finally ask him if he's drilling for oil or what. Took, literally, two months to heal, and most of the color bled right back out of it, leaving the original wording visible underneath.

    Ah well-his fault for scratching it, and my fault for going to a tattooist I didn't know.

  8. photo???

    Okay......photo from Royal Peacock I saw was from Oct 2011.....

    Heard he was just recently in Alaska......

    I have heard also that he may be currently in Florida visiting a relative and not sure if he is tattooing there....

    I have also head about him being in the Carolina's somewhere or Delaware!

    The Guam thing is from like 2 years ago I think!

    It's like "Where is Waldo".....ha ha ha!

    AND....i personally am loving the interviews guys!!!!!

    Oliver, Katie, Henk, and all the others!

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!


  9. beautiful,......GTC's ol lady ,Olivia, a very conservative, christian woman has three dots on her cheek,from her yrs in downtown LA.Odelay vata! ya gotta love her.she could never stand obseneties in the shop, she'd give you the meanest look if you said ''damn'' or anything.

    I have three dots on my finger!

    It is partially covered up by my knuckle tattoos but it couldn't fully be covered and I didn't want it to be fully covered!

    I also just added a much larger one on my right forearm as Dave Kruseman is using it as part of his logo for his new shop (Olde Line Tattoo) and anyone that is part of that "family" is being "given" them!

    Look at the "I" you can still see it!


  10. seen this stuff in the 80's, god damn beautiful. the japanese have been Pop hilarious forever. Ive been thinkin lately,but can't remember who it was,about sketches of cats in hilarious and beautiful poses. Artists name started with a B.......hhhhhmmm. Yeah Edo.pretty hip stuff.

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