sorry, what's 1488 mean? symbology, It is our business. Sometimes people just want to be offended for the attention. Ive see people in the south claim to be offended by the state flag of Alabama, as far as I know it has nothing to do with the civil war. Although it may be another battle flag.Some in the south are proud of their ancesteral history ,as anyone could be, sometimes it seems thats all we have . Im proud of my portuges mariners, Im proud of all the foolish people in my heritage. as Americans we often feel, because of the melting pot that it is, without cultural background. So we claw at, glom onto,and try to hold onto any symbalance of culture or heritage we can find. Thicken your skin and love the variety I say. Its easy to hurt the feelings of the ignorant.If you run around trying to offend others, you probably need hobbies.