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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Got this today at Sacred. The chick is from the X-Files episode where the Tattoo is controlling the dudes mind and making him kill people. The words "All Sewn Up" is a Lucero lyric. Im all Sewn Up with bad tattoos.
  2. I just saw (500) Days of Summer and was blown away. Really a great movie. Plus, when I heard the opening song I started singing the 500 days of Weezy version.
  3. I like seriously had to pop like 3 ativan in order to deal with this today. Like, Ive been living my life by my facebook daily horoscope. Now, Im like, totally lost. Now that I am not an Aries Im just not the same person.
  4. You can add tumblr to the list too. Im almost tired of seeing this picture.
  5. LLT: Runaways. I forgot how good this album was. Especially drunk.
  6. I tend to watch Intervention for my daily does of trainwrecks.
  7. That needs to be my mind-set. I spend money on random ass stuff when I should be using it to further my love to tattoos. I hate records and mexican food.
  8. Man... after one night of drinking/smoking I have chronic beer shits. I cant imagine what he goes through on a daily basis. I guess the only way to ease the pain is to drink more. Good catch on the shit fingers by the way.
  9. Like 50% of the people who pay to see him live, I have still not had the chance to see him.
  10. I got stuck in the fucking rafters for this show, since I was lame and waited to buy my tickets.
  11. Yeah, the lyrics seem really cheesy. I personally think "Machine Gun Blues" and "Still Alive" hold the CD up. I have been listening to: Sons of Perdition: "Psalms for the Spiritually Dead" William Elliott Whitmore: "Hymns For The Hopeless" among all his other albums A new Grace Ally song: Download Miliali (We Got Bored And We Got Stoned).mp3 from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way
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