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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. I looked it up and got sent to a "Colon Cleansing Forum"... Im not sure why there needs to be an entire forum dedicated to people bowel movements, but what the hell.
  2. Thats like me and The Royal Tenenbaums. Every time I watch it, I catch a little bit more. And the life aquatic. There is an Easter Egg in the special features where its just Bill Murray trying different excercises with his Zissou Adidas. All he says is "WOW! These are great"
  3. Just start covering your chest. Unless you work at a Wall St. branch where you have to be shirtless W/O tattoos. That would look ridiculous if that existed.
  4. Its pretty terrible. Good thing I broke a finger on my "Can Packing" hand at Shook Ones last night.
  5. That was my biggest problem in Japan. I wanted to chew sooo bad. I bought some crazy packs of cigs though. I miss BOSS coffee
  6. Soooooo good. Love/hate the turtle/monkey/muskrat scene
  7. Watch it 20 more times. Than do it drunk 20 more. Did you watch 2.
  8. Copenhagen Long Cut and running. Not at the same time.
  9. I figured most of us are movie snobs and nerds, so we should have a thread. First up is the movie "Take Shelter". Its directed by Jeff Nichols (Brother to Ben Nichols of Lucero.) Here is the trailer for your enjoyment. Looks promising, and its a pretty interesting concept. http://sundance.slated.com/2011/films/takeshelter_sundance2011
  10. In the wise words of Tim & Eric "she looks good enough for a poke."
  11. I was probably drunk, sad and listening to Lucero.
  12. I wonder if he still smokes a shit ton of meth?
  13. Im fucking bummed. Im like Fox Mulder... I want to believe.
  14. It took me two reads to understand why he was nervous, and naked. I guess I cook naked too often when expecting company. #noonecomestomyplacefordinner
  15. "for all you moshers!!!!!!!!"
  16. There were people coming from all over the ED. Its not the most disturbing thing we've seen but one of the coolest.
  17. Nice meeting you as well. I'm really. Happy that my night didn't end with a skateboard in the face.

  18. He was tired of his pollen allergies and wanted to remove his sinuses. The doc at the norte hang out suggested a more "invasive" procedure. I would have recommended an allegra script and a box of kleenex. To each his own.
  19. https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=142&pID=27335
  20. Vanilla zerg? What the fuck? Icp has ruined starcraft for me.
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