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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. This is probably gonna make my "board cred" go down uber low... but did anyone get the new Alkaline Trio today??? Im not going to lie... the few songs I heard them stream I loved. You can start the throwing of fruits and veggies now.
  2. They all have "I have daddy issues" and "Uncle Ned liked me a little too much" tattooed all over their clown faces... And that first picture is sooooo 2006...
  3. I thought I asked you to stop being mean to ICP fans....
  4. If by hot you mean, over weight 18 year old pot heads who are too open about their psych issues and who's only goal in life is to "kick it wit da homies" then yep... Hella hotties.
  5. Dont talk shit about ICP. I'm on the dating site ill have you know.
  6. Just KO'ED 20 wings at Red Buffalo (San Pablo/Market.) If you live in the Oakland area and prey on animals... Do it!!!
  7. DailyTech - Can Microsoft and Apple Kill Google's Android with Lawsuits?
  8. I miss FX. I have to drive to my Mom's house to watch Louie and Wilfred. And FOX news...
  9. That little dude looks so awesome!!!
  10. I live on meat and that sounds hella good.
  11. I have an Android phone. Y'all can go to hell.
  12. I as well am a admitted carnivore. Its unreal what these people do.
  13. And thats why I dont work nights anymore.
  14. Well, still a little drunk from last night. So this can go here. I was smart enough to drink multiple Four Loko's last night (Always a good idea.) Around 0100 I decided that I needed to leave the comfort of my friends house in West Berkeley and go home. Why I decided to ride my bike (which had gotten a flat on the way over to his house) 5 miles through West Oakland I dont know. All I know is that the Loko gives me super strength and makes me ballsy enough to ride around places I should not be.
  15. I think I sent ya a google + invite. Let me know if you get an email from google about this thing

    sorry about my grammer. im hungover in bed with my cat.

  16. Man, I have no idea what I am doing. Im hanging out with myself. I have three people who I dont like in my Circles. Anyone else got this thang?
  17. Lucero as well. But it is fishing season so Chuck Ragan and Austin Lucas. And Hank III. And Hank Sr. of course.
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