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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Mike Hood would be fucking pumped. Respectfully of course. He is everywhere...
  2. Im heading to chico in a few weeks and would like to get tattooed up there... anyone know of good shops I should check out? The less "broish" the better.... Thanks friends.
  3. Check out the Suburban Home Records drunk dial phone line records. Some gems on there.
  4. And I nominate myself for the king of drunk posting.
  5. Tight-Lines


    @JAllen im so jealous man. I still can't grow a stash. It looks like I rubbed dirt above my lip.
  6. I forgot my FM transmitter for my ipod. My day has been: Bad radio dance music Annoying radio hosts Coldplay Chickenfoot (what the Fuck is that?) I don't think ill make it.
  7. Ill let you know. It will be around the downtown area most likely.
  8. Ill be having a couple drinks in the city today pal. If you are around send me an email or something. [email protected]
  9. You made me spit out my coffee laughing @hogg Thanks
  10. Pretty much super jealous of everything you just wrote.
  11. I'm so jealous of @Jake s avatar. I should have stole that shit when I had the chance.
  12. Just got the Horrible Crows (Brian Fallon) new record. Highly recommended for people who enjoy good music.
  13. Been on a Paint It Black kick the last day or two. The only time I saw them in SF I got to talk with Dan outside. I was talking about some bullshit that had just happened to me and all he said was "Dude, life fucking sucks 99 percent of the time. Just never forget that the 1 percent that doesnt suck is the percent that is worth living for."
  14. Kittens are the least stressful thing in the world. Hella chill.
  15. Yeah, its quite the record. Makes me want to buy a farm or some shit.
  16. Im too hungover to think about squash. Shes coming to Oakland on monday. I should have a shipment of squash for @MsRad if history repeats itself. To keep with the thread though, I ate at the new Rudy's on telegraph by the fox theater last night. I had a burger but cant recall what it was because I was hammered. I know I had a laguanitas IPA there though. my head hurts.
  17. Have about 10,000mg of Plavix ready for when you finish.
  18. Dude. Don't make fun of Mike Giants work.
  19. "Kersed" after all these years still makes me want to throw bricks at windows and kill fools.
  20. My lunch tomorrow consists it tomato and coppa sandwiches thanks to @tammy and @steve1461686340 Y'all rule.
  21. Oh man. All caught up. Loving this season.
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