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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Dude thats a great costume idea. Did you take anyone hostage or beat up and prison guards?
  2. Someone teleport me from Northern to southern. Coordinates to follow shortly.
  3. My friends and I were the 1% this year. We drank fancy beer (minus the PBR in my hand) and made fun of poor people all night. OPD thought we were hilarious and so did many of the protesters. Im surprised we didnt get beat up or thrown in jail.
  4. Was that the one from your blog. If so yes, and I got my mom into it as well.
  5. Heard great things about Infinite Jest. Ill pick it up on my next round to the used book store. I get that from a lot of people who try and get into his stuff. It took me about three time to sit down and read "V". The last I finally said to myself that if I dont finish this book im a true asshole to literature. So glad I did. I cant wait to pick up Inherent Justice though. Sounds great.
  6. Im really excited I found someone else who enjoys Pynchon. I've only read "V", "Against The Day" and "Slow Learner" so far. Im looking forward to "Gravity's Rainbow" after I am finished with this lot of books. Did you by any chance read his forward in the new edition of 1984? It was incredible. Especially since Pynchon is such a hermit and had made maybe 5 public appearances in his carrer. Sorry about all the quotes, my english prof's burned that shit into my head. I cant wait to start Travels with Charley.
  7. @Duffa I just watched that Dave Chapelle episode a few days ago. Sooooo good.
  8. I've been on a chicken and beef chuck Vindaloo lately. Super good. I've got a feeling this cold season is going to be all about curries and pho.
  9. Just picked up: East Of Eden (Lost it 200 pages in a month ago) Travels With Charley - Steinbeck The Demon - Hubert Selby Jr. The Song the Silent snow - "" Gonna ba a good month. Americana - Don Dellio
  10. Paycheck is a crack up. I missed Merle when he came around here.
  11. Apparently we all love hip hop... and good shit to boot. Glad I get drunk and make threads.
  12. This thread fucking rules. Thats all.
  13. This thread fucking rules. Thats all.
  14. I totally failed at going to this. Im never offering to move someone again...
  15. Been jammin this lately.
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