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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. If we wait til may/june the squash will be more than ready. I told her about the board and how everyone loves squash... she is excited to share.
  2. Im in love with my slippers. I wear them in the rig and then switch out right before I get out for a call. comfort is mandatory.
  3. Its just going to be a Judge cover band. No one will be straight edge which will make it better.
  4. I forgot its hard to post stuff from reddit. Im just going to have steve forward this thread to reddit funny section.
  5. God dammit. I do this shit all the time and everyone i know gets mad. If I'm hungover on a saturday I dont wear grown up pants. Gym shorts are too cold, and track pants look dumb on me. Guilty of being unfashionable.
  6. For some reason I disagree. I told my girlfriend (one white tattoo) that I like chicks without tattoos and she laughed/called me stupid. Then I showed her who was boss. Dishes for two weeks. DONE.
  7. During my brief stint at applebees :mad: it became common place for the "punk group" of server chicks to get mustaches on their fingers. I'm haunted by the thought of them.
  8. @David Flores Thats clean. I keep meaning to get a cross buster, but always forget about it until moments like this when I remember.
  9. Brad Pitt in Snatch. Fucking awesome.
  10. I dont have any Doors stuff but had an obsession with him for a few years. My buddy who passed away gave me a photo of his grave that he took not too long before he died. It says "Jim, you are the best!" It totally sticks out from all the random hardcore show posters and movie posters in my apartment but I love it to death. Ill post a picture when I get home.
  11. You're lucky I'm super neurotic and keep shit forever like a god damn hoarder. THERE SHE BLOWS.
  12. If you can find some thread in the funny stuff area that has my drunken drawing of a tattoo idea for Fist full of tears I suggest you get that somewhere on you.
  13. Shat my pants first time watching that scene.
  14. Just did. Now I dont need to see the movie.
  15. I bought The Fly and Alien on blu ray for 15 bucks total yesterday. I feel quite blessed.
  16. I would love some stories. Im quite nervous really.
  17. Im a modest kind of guy on the internet. In real life im freaking out at the chance to have something done by him.
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