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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Im shitting my pants laughing at Jupiter jake. Holy shit.
  2. BEST STORY EVER. I know I say this every day... but post of the year.
  3. Dropped this into my proposal for English. Thanks for the post!
  4. It has a comedic FX series vibe to it.
  5. I stumbled upon this blog while cheating on LST with the Birdge Nine message board. chemowithfred | A blog unfolding the unlikely story of two cancer patients from opposite ends of the century. Its a collection of daily stories about a 27 year old liver cancer patient and his 80 year old friend who go through Chemo together. Please spread the word about this. I look like a god damn fool in my schools library laughing and borderline crying at my computer. Thanks pals.
  6. Ive been a huge Against Me! fan and always will be. And whatever Laura decided to do I will give a gracious ear to. I also didn't want to bring negative opinions about the former Tom's decision to become Laura, I just wanted to post about it because it was cool news and deserves some attention.
  7. Tom Gabel of Against Me Comes Out as Transgender | Music News | Rolling Stone Boy, I didn't see this some coming, but I guess the lyrics to "Searching for a Former Clarity" finally make sense.
  8. Major riffage to be had.
  9. I got two dollar burgers and a large fry yesterday. Made my day.
  10. It does suck. I was trying to give a report on my patient and everyone in the ER stopped functioning because MCA died. I'm glad I wasn't working when MJ croaked.
  11. That last one took me awhile. Not gonna lie.
  12. I was hoping to see the beard from Hunger Games somewhere.
  13. Im gonna photoshop "tub girl" into one. You don't have to make that your avatar.
  14. Just found out (a few weeks ago) that my co-worker has most of his body covered by Grime (he also states his right sleeve was one of Grimes 1st sleeves). I knew he had tattoos but, he's a lot older than me and I was always nervous to ask . He told me he might be able to get me some pictures so I can post 'em up on here. I felt stupid not realizing it was Grime. The bio-mechanical art is incredible.
  15. I just watched "The Fly" and have a firm grip on teleportation. Ill be there once my particle reversal equipment comes VIA Fedex (I got 2 day free shipping from amazon).
  16. God damn, that sounds like an awesome day. @gougetheeyes I already have one.. technically two. I got Joey Knieser's song Bruised Ribs on me. Ben covered that for a while.
  17. I just saved this on my computer for when I have a bad day.
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