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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Hear the Sirens got back together? weird.
  2. Just bought my tickets for the Martinez show. Thanks X1000 for this.
  3. I was drunk watching blood diamond when Mrsrad posted about them "being from mexico =/" Since there is all that crazy shit going on in Juarez right now, I put the two subjects together and came up with the Juarez Blood Tomato. Also, I know the cartels love there nose candy and they cannot only profit by selling harmless tomatos I figured that they would use the tomato growing farms as a cover up for the large amount of coke they produce. Again, A little tipsy when I created the whole "Blood Tomato" thing.
  4. Juarez Blood Tomato's: Someone either died for them, or for the cocaine grown beside them.
  5. I had to choose between Social D and Motorhead... I might die if I could see Social D and Motorhead back to back.
  6. Social Distortion added another date in SF with Lucero and Chuck Ragan! Friday Feb. 4th @ The Warfield. Now people dont have to go to Modesto or Davis!!!!
  7. I know, I was just making the comparison between the two directors. It seems like Nolan has tendencies in two cases to have a "Lynch perspective" on film making with both Inception and Memento. You should watch some! Wild At Heart, Blue Velvet, and Eraserhead. Awesome quote from lynch. If you type in his name into youtube, you get some really awesome "Commercials" and random thoughts of david lynch. Here is a example of a Daily Weather report he was doing on his website for a while:
  8. Rad. Im down with Encuentro. Food sounds good. If I had to spell correctly here I would have been gone a long time ago.
  9. Thanks for the info on in shape vs gold's. I only recently wanted to join a gym and it was I toss up between the two. Getting older sucks.
  10. Its no David Lynch story in the way of complexity, but was more fun visually which I don't often get from a lynch movie. Of course not talking any shit about lynch. Eraserhead and twin peaks still rule my life.
  11. A hearty soup on A cold day is m fav. With our without meat. The more potatoes and onions the better.
  12. This is the cat guy clean shaven and close up... i think
  13. Watching it again right now and I noticed something new... Cobb's Talisman was his wife's before she died right? While Cobb was teaching Ariadne about the idea of dream invasion, he stated that she needed a talisman which no one can touch. It made me think that since the top was Cobb's wife's talisman that he might have in some way made it impossible to figure out when reality begins and ends. So in theory, the entire movie could just be a dream of his. I love this fuckin movie.
  14. Awesome! I look forward to getting into it. What is recommended for starting? I basically know about the Yoga mat, and that it really it. Are there special cloths I need, good food to eat before? Anything like that?
  15. Ill check it out. Thanks for this! That is exactly why I want to ask people what it up.
  16. It seems like all we talk about is delicious food, beer, food, and other awesome things. Why not talk about new shit we are doing to curb all this awesome food we eat. Also a great place for tips for working out/running/any sport you do. Personally, I know nothing about Yoga, and would like to get into that. Ive been looking at that Bikram Yoga around the bay, but have no idea if I should get into it. Share your stuff!
  17. Will be going there as soon as possible. Looks quite tasty.
  18. Slayer tattoos should be reserved for only people who can drink and rage as hard as Slayer used to.
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