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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Bay area people... Anyone running the SF Marathon or Half marathon in a few weeks? I signed up for the 2nd half of the half marathon... and there is no way im ready for this.
  2. I threw up in a fire pit at my moms's cabin this weekend. It was their one year anniversary with the place and there were many neighbors in attendance. After fly fishing all day/drinking tons of whiskey I came back and had more. I was also apparently found in the bathroom with a spilt can of copenhagen long cut all over the toilet and not one but two open beers by me. My mother and I. Shes kinda proud.
  3. My phone was dropped into Stanislaus River today. I am currently blowdrying and drying it off attempting to save it. If I have to get a new phone today, will my words with friends still be going? Its really the only concern I have at this point.
  4. The bottoms of my feet. I dont like people touching them, let alone driving ink into them for a few hours. Im feeling anxious just typing this.
  5. I spent last night drinking far too many Boontville Summer Solstice brews... and whiskey but thats beside the point. twas delicious.
  6. Wasn't Billy the Kid convicted in Las Cruces?
  7. That would be the Orvis on Bush. Great shop all around. I wouldn't say its too popular around the bay area, but once you get up to the Sacramento area and above, the interest really grows. Good pick on places for a hotel. Pretty much in the middle of everything.
  8. Bananas and coffee... I'm boring.
  9. I have to start updating my thread on here but keep forgetting about it. Usually every time I have a few something strange like that happens.
  10. Im on a fishing trip so im reading "Trout" magazine.
  11. You should have more and post on here so I'm not the only one who gets hammered and posts on message boards for fun.
  12. Yes it did. over a hundred... and a delicious smokey flavor.
  13. Thats because we dont want your Canadian whiskey...
  14. Calling All Skeletons in general was/is a bad song. Way too popish for me. I would have liked more stuff off of good mourning.
  15. Any time someone says "I hate (insert music genera here)" I now respond with "You know Neil Diamond invented it right?" Im bored at work.
  16. Seriously, this is where I belong. I just finished a bottle of Ardbeg Uigedail. Was quite wonderful. I hope this thread will be full of drunken posts.
  17. Got hammered on it for a company meeting a few years ago. Enroute to the meeting I went to a Kentucky Fried Chicken where I managed to order 25 dollars worth of chicken, tried to break into the womans restroom with someone in it, went into the mens restroom where I vomited all over the floor. I also tried to start a circle pit with my co-workers in the parking lot of the hospital that was hosting it. I stopped drinking before meetings.
  18. My partner and I just had a discussion and it ended with "You know who invented black metal? Neil Diamond."
  19. Those are my three favorite things.
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