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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Dear Mr. or Mrs. Juggalove, I was a proud member of your dating site for some amount of time until I tried to log in this morning and found my account was suddenly deleted. Honestly I am at a loss for words. Countless hours of hard work and dedication went into the creation of that page and I now have nothing to show for it. In addition, I had spoken to many "fine ass bitches" and had received not four but a total of five numbers from some sweet ass hoes. I hope you realize that you have managed to ruin my virtual dating life. I have had to move my online profile to OKCUPID. You know how fucking degrading that shit is? Honestly, all the fucking girls are "24 year old bisexuals who are in a god damn transitional phase" All I wanted was to meet a nice down to earth hoe that I could one day marry and have hella little juggalo babies with. Now I'm going to be alone for the rest of my god damn life sad masturbating to videos from this years Gathering. With Regards, Daniel Costello Sent at 10:00 this morning. Ill let yall know how this goes.,
  2. Fuckin' Juggalove.com deleted my profile. I'm pissed. I'm going to write a complaint letter to them. Ill let you know how that goes.
  3. Ill finish off my bottle of Jameson tonight and draw some shit.
  4. This will come into use for my ICP dating site.
  5. I wish that dude posted on here longer than 36 hours.
  6. I know every one is pretty busy currently but anyone want to try for a meet up soon?
  7. City Color is really great. Whatta voice Dallas Green has. Ive been stuck on Cave In lately. Mostly albums Antenna and Until Your Heart Stops. Great records.
  8. They are one of the best bands of ever... Plus, if you grab the bootleg I posted in the Bootlegs thread you get a bunch of old stuff and some new songs.
  9. Blood for Blood W/ Wisdom in Chains The Oakland Metro October 23rd - 20 bucks
  10. lucero nyc livemusicfile.zip New lucero bootleg with a few new tracks. supa sweet.
  11. I don't usually laugh at 6am. This is fuckin hilarious.
  12. Ohhh man I have cake on my face.
  13. Seriously, my buddy is paying for me to get a j bieber portrait.
  14. Three words. Justin Burner.
  15. Actually your not a Juggalo if you taint holy faygo with anything. Shame has been brought upon you.
  16. Pssssshhhh Yeah they are! Woops about the Keniser mix up. I obviously can't post hungover. Drunk yes though. Like now.
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