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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Anyone catch that AMC is currently doing MOBWEEK. Ive been watching The Godfather for what seems like 12 hours.
  2. We have received no updates to how your Batman Live was...
  3. Found a box of my old CD's the other day. Best part of this was the discovery of my Dispute "Everyone, Everything" release... Holy shit that was a good record. Amirite?
  4. Best part of my trip to Japan was all the Boss Coffee adds with Tommy J looking... well super boss. What a great country.
  5. The first 10 seconds of that movie are the best.
  6. Ohhhh man. Well they all: Smoke weed. Like to chill "wit da homies" word for word. many of them are bi-polar. They are all creative. Thizzin hard ...and so much more. You should join. Its a blast.
  7. That fucking redneck shark is killin me right now. Brilliant.
  8. Just finished the bulk of my chest a few days ago. No fun on the sternum. Fuck. Doing my belly in a few weeks and specifically sought out this thread. Worst fears for the most confirmed.
  9. Send it to Oakland, Ill try it and let you know.
  10. [/img] This is Orion. He's my 21 pound roommate. He liked cuddling, beer and annoying anyone who comes over. He sleeps on his back and mildly snors.
  11. Im glad everyone found some humor in it! Im not even sure what to say about that man... Or how I manage to honestly do all of those things.
  12. Yeah, I'm laughing pretty hard over here too. I cant believe how big of a dumbass oneself can be.
  13. Well, I have cake on my face again. I just did some board digging and found a link I posted to my profile. It has not been removed, I was using a wrong email address. Joke is still on them for being Juggalos. Introspectivethought's Profile - View
  14. No, I wish I had achieved that status. I think they found my profile a little over the top. Not sure you posted on here when Jake found that site, but I basically said "Im a 24 year old UC Berkeley graduate who majored in Entomology who was looking for love in all the wrong places and figured that Juggalove was the right one." I also said that I was looking for anyone who is "Down for anal" all the time... or something along those lines. and my name was "Introspectivethought"
  15. "What is your user name after a year it removes you but I can reactivate you if you give me your username" -Timothy Wright (Rep of juggalove) No periods in his email. I don't think he got my humor.
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