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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Dude. Yes. I felt like such a dirty old man in Japan. They always rolled their skirts up on the trains and buses going and coming back from school. God they have great legs. Hope megans law doesnt find this thread.
  2. Ive been listening to Travis Tritt and Garth Brooks all day today... on cassette. Those things are horrible.
  3. Ive listened to more Rancid in the last few days than I ever have before.
  4. Everytime I'm in East Oakland i feel like im on another planet. Ill always be a tourist there.
  5. Im drinking Gin straight up because Im broke and found it in my fridge. Its called "New Amsterdam" and tastes like fucking shit.
  6. Warrior Dash for any Norcal people. Oct 29/30th in Hollister. 3.5 miles with 8 obstacles. Warrior Dash | Home
  7. I would ask @MsRad what they really use. And its true, you gotta make it out here. Vegan soul food... find me that somewhere else. (I know there prolly is but fuck it.)
  8. Got fat at souley vegan tonight: Portabella mushroom burger w/ lentils Fried okra Mac and cheese Bbq tofu Anchor steam X 2 I aint moving for dayz.
  9. Tight-Lines


    I do love Baltimore a lot. I bet that sentence has been used exactly 6 times in history. All by John Waters.
  10. No issues under the arm. Stomach I will agree has been the worst. Ive got another 3-4 hours on Saturday on mine. Already want to die.
  11. That dinner was a blast. Everyone on the board needs to move to california so we can have massive home town buffet dinners. Im sure everyone in the restaurant was stoked to see a bunch of people pulling up their shirts.
  12. Awesome man. Always looking for new fly shops to check out. Big props for telling me about Deer Creek. I hadn't heard anything about that. I spend most of my time up north so fishing more of Central California is a new adventure. You working at Victory the weekend of the 7th thru the 9th?
  13. Working on an ambulance (esp Oakland/Hayward) having tattoos has helped. The people I deal with seem to relate to you more for some reason. They probably think I've been to prison or some shit.
  14. I downloaded the album but its been sitting in my itunes unlistened because im not sure what to expect. I ran out of wine.
  15. Im a trout fly fisherman (all fancy and shit) I was looking at victory. Ill probably swing through while im up there It will probably be the dog on the cover of Faith No More's King for a day, fool for a lifetime.
  16. Blink 182 next week. What's my age again?
  17. Tight-Lines


    This is fucking awesome.
  18. Hanging out with a lady friend from up there. Figured I've never been there before and I enjoy getting tattoos on vacation. If I could do both of those things I would man.
  19. Negative Ghostrider. Chico, CA. College party town. Or great fishing. I prefer the latter.
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