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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. I DEACTIVATED my facebook. Im trying to spend a few weeks without it do decide what I want to do.

    Iunno. We shall see. Ill probably have it back in a few days honestly.

  2. Squash is takin it ova. I didnt even get squash this week. I got tomoatos though... do you want some of those?
  3. Thanks for making me think of the ending again. Yay!
  4. Closing down hella post offices over here. Im glad I invested in a messenger pigeon service when I was a young child.
  5. Pretty much sums it up right there. Just get one. Most of mine are pretty spur of the moment things and I understand people who want to think and dwell on it, but it just comes down to walking in and saying "This is what I want... lets do it". You will either love the experience and turn into a junkie like most of us, or will just wind up having a single tattoo. Either way, you did it.
  6. Finding out what it is about ruins it. I personally think its done very well. Terrifying yes, but well done. It does what it is supposed to which is make you sick and think about the movie for weeks on end.
  7. Just watched Clerks. Im now watching Clerks X. I have the Clerks TV show upto after that. Then maybe Clerks 2. I think I drunk blogged about this a year ago. I forget.
  8. Hahaha. Yep. Not sure what to call that whole area. Im used to everything redding and up being "northern" California.
  9. I have a coors light on my coffee table. The fucking mountains aren't blue. And I love nascar. Mark Martin for life.
  10. Since im drunk Im listening to Lucero. 1372 Overton Park is such a great album. I think the horns and all that other shit really made a difference in the quality of the album. I could rant about this band for days, so instead im going to have another glass of gin and fall asleep.
  11. Red beer is the way to go. Less carbonation, same drunk, one serving of fruit. For your health!
  12. Loved that man. Tommy Boy made me piss my pants in the theater. My dad had to take me home.
  13. Only way to drink it is to cut it with tomato juice.
  14. Fuck yeah it is. My buddy got hammered at championship and curt told him that hebwpuld give him a free tattoo. But he couldn't look at it until it was done or choose the location.
  15. Currently between three books (I don't know why I do this) 1. East of eden 2. The first five - henry rolling rants 3. The devils knot- west Memphis three stuff Pretty depressing shit all around.
  16. Ill PM you the mac and cheese when I get it again for your tasting pleasure.
  17. He's all "well shit, I know I left my cock somewhere ... "
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