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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Ive been hearing a lot of stuff about anchors this year. I know at least three-four people who got almost the same "Anchor Steam" type of design.
  2. Blood For Blood and Wisdom In Chains - Oakland Metro October 23rd. EVERYONE SHOULD GO!!!!!!
  3. My mom still buys me cloths because I am completely incapable of knowing when I need new pants/shirts/socks. I cant be hip by default.
  4. Trapped Under Ice - Big Kiss Goodnight This shit makes me want to kill fools. SRSLY.
  5. Spent 2 hours at the casting ponds in Oakland yesterday. I ended up getting a casting lesson from a world class fly fisherman while there. Ive been fly fishing for 10 years and he made me realize that I still know nothing about my hobby. When I told him that, he said "son, ive been fly fishing for 50 years and I still know nothing... so dont feel TOO bad."
  6. That fucking Louis Vatton (Yeah I cant spell it) is killing me right now. Thats some straight Jersey Shore shit.
  7. I just spent the morning on the Stanislaus River in the sierras. What a day. Three mile hike down stream, pools every 100 yards... didnt catch anything over 12" but was perfect. @cfgsteak you should get back into fly fishing.
  8. Glad they did their job then. Sorry you are having a bummer day.
  9. Always wanted to try that shit.
  10. She must have had a lot of H. Narcan usually takes care of that shit. Or she shot something else. Either way, good story. Never responded to a tattoo shop... would love to one day for some weird reason.
  11. Half Priced Books in Berkeley is great. Other side of the bay mind you, but a great used book shop. Amoeba Records if you are into collecting records and stuff like that. Check out the Mission around bar times (9PM-2AM) for some of the best street food in the bay area. Really something else what people cook up in little carts on the side of the street. If you check out Blackheart there is a decent bar right next door called Zeigist (I dont know how to spell it). Not too bad... lots of your typical stuck up hipster types, but the people who run it are great and so is the beer selection. Golden gate park Buffalo are fucking awesome. I could watch them eat grass all day. Oh, Crissy Field has tons of babes on a a good sunny day. So check that out.
  12. I know there has to be some people on here who are fisher(men/women) out there. I love talking about fishing in general. I dont care if you are a purist dry fly fisherman, a trolling lake person, or a drinking beer and powerbating (maybe a little...). When I get drunk I like to talk about fishing... GO.
  13. I can still barely spell the real "nabors" properly.
  14. After finishing my stomach I noticed that right at the pants line/belt line is taking forever to heal. Since I sit in a rig for 8-10 hours a day, its always rubbing on my belt/pants. Ive been using trauma pads to try and dull the friction this last week... kinda works.
  15. @Stewart Robson That was very well put pal.
  16. The place looks pretty damn good. Ive been on a Gin kick the past few weeks. Hendricks has been a nice change from Jameson.
  17. Fuckin ODB wrote that. You have 510 posts. time to stop.
  18. It's pretty much your "go to" beer around here. You want good quality beer, but dont want to pay the price... buy Sierra. Except where I bought it. 20 bucks for a 12 pack. Crazy mountain people.
  19. Thats a lot of homemade stuff. No frozen Costco dinners?
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