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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Im jealous. Supersuckers are fucking awesome.
  2. Probably some family stuff. Ill work on the handprint thing this week.
  3. I was running around the lake the other day (shirtless, duh) and OPD was posting outside of their cars drinking coffee and bullshitting (as always). As I was running by I couldnt help but notice that they were pointing at me like I was either: A: and ex-con B: they liked my tattoos C: they were into dudes, and thought I was hot. D: they were pointing at the hot chicks running behind me and didnt give a shit about me. Id like to think it was B/C/.
  4. The Earth cover is a personal favorite.
  5. I had to put mine down last week because it ate ANOTHER one of my children.
  6. Shes actually really timid about getting a tattoo. She really wants one but is scared about what her family might think. I think the negatives in this case will overturn the positives. All I told her was that Ill take you to a good shop and they will do what you want to some extent. I told her to just say fuck it and get a back piece. She looked confused and then laughed. This is getting hella emo.
  7. Thanks again for everything people. I have the same views some of you do in the way that tattoos should pop and be noticed to some extent. But, I have an understanding for people who want to be tattooed but dont want to have the constant reminder every time they look at themselves in the mirror. All this will be relayed to said female.
  8. Thanks Stewart. Major help.
  9. What the hell is going on? Im so confused right now.
  10. Did they kill anyone cool? Last time I saw them Michael Jackson raped a space baby, and was then killed by Obama, who was then killed by Oderus.
  11. Flattius Maximus (AKA Cory Smoot) was found dead earlier today by fellow GWAR mates. GWAR Guitarist Found Dead | Music News | Rolling Stone I dont know about anyone else, but GWAR has been one of those bands for me that no matter what they put out, what shitty bands they tour with, or how many "final tours" they have you still love the hell out of them. Ill never forget my first GWAR show and I hope that the last time I saw them was not truly the final time. RIP.
  12. Hey dudes/dudetts, So, a chick im kinda into wants to get a tattoo in white ink and asked me about if there were any cons to something in all white ink. I dont usually ask questions on here like this, but im completely ignorant on the subject and would enjoy some opinions from the best. Thanks friends, Dan
  13. Im so sick of this shit honestly. I like Frank O plaza and would like to get Panda Express sooner or later.
  14. Totally wanted to. My friends idea just needed some support... so I had to back him. Ill dress up as a Juggalo for the next meet up though. That might be cool.
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