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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Im having some issues watching the show since I read all the comics. I know that sounds pompous and shit, but its true. The Wire is the best TV show... ever.
  2. Im not sure if there was. We should have one general "FX THREAD" with sub-categories for all the shows. All Im doing is hitting up bass pro shop in Manteca then going to the Costco around the corner in case of zombie takeover. Hella guns and food.
  3. Just start your belly. Im glad I never have to go through that again. Im crying thinking about it.
  4. Im halfway through Delillo's "Americana" and am on the fence about the book. The entire second part drags for pages and pages, but offeres little pieces if literary gold which keeps me going.
  5. Shes alive and well. Having a birthday party next week in cokeland actually. Prolly busy with work and stuffs. Good lookin out though.
  6. I tried to press like a bunch on that last post but it only let me do it once.
  7. I think about this quite often. I had a patient who was in his 70's with some great stuff on his arms/chest.
  8. Tight-Lines


    I think mine is luvbuketstudd. I steal my neighbors internet and its pretty sketchy most of the time, so im never on.
  9. Pianos Become the Teeth - The Lack Long After. Make do and Mend - End Measured Mile.
  10. Tight-Lines


    Ill end up getting it before the week is done. Then have no life for a while.
  11. Nominated for the best post on the board.
  12. Im not sure how removed and mass produced food in the UK is, but out here thats all we have (for the most part) thus making it much cheaper. Thats my biggest issue with the states. This is much more serious than my Pantera post.
  13. We are the greatest country in the world. Ya'll are jealous.
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