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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. I dig this a lot. We are all people with a common interest and like sharing experiences thru this site. I get just as much of a kick talking to someone who looking for a first tattoo or a tattooer I admire. When it comes down to it we are all just people with our own interests. I could give a shit about people opinions on my tattoos. If you like it, great! If you dont, nod your head and move on... we dont need a system for making people think they got a shitty tattoo. This isnt Inkmasters, its an awesome tattoo community.
  2. The large scar on my hand is from seeing Terror in 2005 @ Petalumas phoenix theater. A very large man didnt like that I hit him in his belly and knocked my ass out. Wooden floors are not good for sliding on.
  3. Ive had so much food/whiskey in the last 12 hours that I cant even talk about it. All I know is that Im really bloated right now and super drunk listening to murder city devils and drinking whiskey. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
  4. I think this discussion came up in another thread a while ago right? @jade1955 rad.
  5. If I was a chick I would be all about that. He must me good.
  6. Dont forget about the meow meows.
  7. My mom doesnt have anymore squash but I will grow some for @MsRad
  8. No worries pal. They are also called abdominal pads and dont stick to wounds. They are great for covering up intestines that have leaked out from penetrating injuries. But I think they work better for tattoos.
  9. He was a little crazy from what I have read about him as well. There are no animals around him... but there is a massive eagle chest piece right above him... I think that works out okay.
  10. Im in no way religious but recently placed a giant St. Francis on my entire belly. It has a deeper meaning to me than its religious implications, so its all good in my book. Get whatever you want if it makes you happy.
  11. I agree with Iwar. I try and be a little vague just to see what they can come up with. I will say sometimes I stare over their shoulder during the drawing process and yell violently to add or remove shit.
  12. Im still this sad about it.
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