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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Lucero - All Sewn Up. I actually have it tattooed on me.
  2. If you have ever given a rimjob to a 350 pound ex-con after a post protein powder infused workout then gargled with an ashtray you will know what PBR tastes like.
  3. Battlestar Galactica. My social life is over.
  4. I just ate more Mcdonalds. I need help.
  5. You drink a 40 of Olde E down to the label then fill it with orange juice. Hood Mimosa is also a term I came up with last night.
  6. Last night's menu: (1) Brass Monkey (2) Double cheese burgers (Mcdonalds) (1) budwiser (1) Random fancy IPA (1) Shot of Fernet (3ish) Glasses of scotch. I feel terrible.
  7. I think all the seasons of Buffy are on instant.
  8. Dont forget Swedish Fish. Quite delish.
  9. I have no idea who the fuck that is but I can draw great dicks and vaginas on drunk people.
  10. LST should send me to tattoo school. Ill wear an LST shirt every day and incorporate LST into all of my tattoo designs. Then win Inkmasters, then fund tattoo age. for serious.
  11. Im not sure how I never posted in this thread. Anyways, I was 17 and working at Applebee's when I met Ralph. He was a ex con Sureno who started doing tattoos on the side for some extra cash. Anyways, I decided to hit him up for a quick piece on my ankles. I have "Rise" on one ankle and "Above" on another. The fonts are shitty, the rise is higher than the above, and the E in rise looks like a C with a dick in the middle. Dont get tattooed by cooks from Applebee's.
  12. I feel lady heads ruled last year and will continue to rule this year. Especially if Vargas keeps doing ridiculously good ones on people.
  13. Mosdef. I went through all of the comics (001-151) in about a week and a half. I haven't kept up on them lately but... god damn they were good.
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