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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Those are some classy duds. I just wish I had 125 bones for a shirt.
  2. Anchor does some good beers... but nothing matches the original Anchor Steam brew.
  3. Ive got a fridge full of poolwater (PBR/Budwiser) and will be drowning myself in them after work.
  4. I just amazoned the shit out of the Jurassic Park Blu-Ray three pack. Not a fuck was given. Im also glaring at that Spider Murphy's book.
  5. Ian Curtis smiling would be funny. Since he didn't smile. bad joke.
  6. I dig the religious stuff... but betty bop, Che, and Pepe is a little bizarre.
  7. Awesome. We were drinking twins 6,000+ miles away.
  8. She just planted a new crop of Squash (ohhh the joy.) What's the plan people? The only weekend im not available this weekend is the last weekend in April. Other than that I am game.
  9. Looks like we have another meet up to organize for this shit!
  10. We all like to buy shit we dont need. I figured this would be a good place to post our most recent and unnecessary purchases which have gotten us in trouble with spouses/girlfriend/boyfriends or family. Or cool shit people bought for you. Mine is: 160 Bucks on miscellaneous items from the GORUCK web store. I cant stop myself. AND another copy of East of Eden I had not seen before. @hogg hows that Spider Murphy's flash book?
  11. Touche on the Jim. It was recently my day of birth, and my cousin bought me a bottle of Ardbeg Uigeadail. Holy shit... I forgot how much that bottle tasted like Dagobah.
  12. Fuck it. I just want some Judge hammers with "LST BAN-HAMMER" around it. Although I would much rather Scott do this than some doucher.
  13. Dcostello45 I got a lot of you already.
  14. Tight-Lines


    Good on ya!
  15. WHISKIES OF THE WORLD EXPO Im bummed that Im not going.
  16. I would be sober all the time.
  17. Thats bizarre. Thanks for fixing it pal.
  18. Good afternoon @steve1461686340, I just attempted to post a blog and am having trouble seeing it published. I am able to edit it, but not see it posted. Not sure whats going on. Have a good day, Dan
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