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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. This mother fucker aint ever heard Blood For Blood. White Trash Rob is hella pissed.
  2. Taken from the Temple site by Mr. Nice Guy himself.
  3. Im going to put on 200 pounds and be Rev. Paul Bearer of Sheer Terror... Or maybe they are skipping that era of CBGBs.
  4. Could not have said it better myself. I was quite disappointed overall, but man... was it pretty.
  5. FAIRYLAND IS AWESOME. Its in the Lake Merritt area of oakland. Your kid will love it.
  6. Holy shit! Yeah thats her. She was originally (if im not mistaken) from the X-Files episode "Never Again" in season 4. Im jealous you have that.
  7. @Iwar Satisfaction Guarantee* per the poster.
  8. Im with gouge, totally dont remember this thing. Awesome thread! Id love to dig through that box Grime showed in the Vice videos.
  9. Pulp Fiction fans? I have a pre-release poster signed by most of the cast including Tarantino hanging in my apartment. Its why I have renters insurance.
  10. Completed my first GORUCK Challenge today. 13 hours, 14 miles with a 40 pound pack carrying all sorts of fucked up things around, walking down Van Ness without socks or shoes, and more push ups and flutter kicks than I can remember. And a few trips into the ocean. I suggest trying one out when it comes to a city near you. They are going international as well.
  11. I just told my girlfriend about finishing my torso in August. She did a kind-a double take and said it would be weird since she doesn't notice any of my others. She will get used to it.
  12. I asure you that you speak and write english better than most of us.
  13. The truth is out there @jade1955
  14. I tried to get my girlfriend (who has never seen X Files) to watch a few of my favorite episodes. 30 minutes in she was asleep. I is mad.
  15. Good wine no. 2 buck chuck or that whole foods wine... not really (I drink a ton of that shit)
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