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Benjamin Karner

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Everything posted by Benjamin Karner

  1. it seems a little rushed. I mean if you take all this time to plot revenge you think you would at least want to make it a solid shitty tattoo.
  2. Mutiny tattoo and Piercing in Minneapolis is looking to hire a full time artist. Must have a clean solid portfolio, and be able to obtain a Minnesota state tattooing license. Please email [email protected] with a link to your work. We will get back to you if we are interested.
  3. maybe this dude could get a job as a motivational speaker telling all the kids what not to do.
  4. No matter how dumb a tattoo may appear as long as I'm not the one wearing it I couldn't care less what people ask me to put on them. The money all spends the same.
  5. People need to remember no matter how popular tattoos get that it doesn't mean that your employer will overlook your decision to decorate yourself, and I don't think they should have to. You are asking to represent them how you look reflects upon them, and that is something they have to deal with. I don't mean to cast tattoos in a negative light. I have my hands, neck, and even my head tattooed. I don't regret it at all, and would do it all again. However I know that no matter what I do from here on out I will never be a kindergarden teacher.
  6. One day at the shop this chick was telling us we should pay to tattoo her. We said the only way it would happen was if the artist got to put his signature one her. She said she would do it if we gave her twenty bucks. We said that for twenty bucks we would have to sign her and her friend. They both did it... Not the worst tattoos I have ever seen - just the worst decision.
  7. All of my favorite tattoos weren't planned. I just started with the idea of how I wanted my body split up and just let what may happen. I still feel it was a good decision.
  8. Anyone can pick apart any tattoo if they spend enough time staring at it. Just get more work so you have more to look at, and have less to worry about what is already done.
  9. The strong will survive by simply staying in the game. Keep your head down and keep working, and you have nothing to worry about. All of the people who got into tattooing for money and recognition and nothing else will soon give up and go back to the rat race.
  10. I haven't been tattooed in almost two years. When I started in a tattoo shop I was getting tattooed every other week. That lasted for about four years. Needless to say I don't have much space left. I miss looking in the mirror and seeing something new, however I don't miss feeling like I got my ass kicked on the regular.
  11. My greatest hope is that I never have to have another job outside of tattooing as long as I live.
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