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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. I can't wait for Freddy Corbin Tattoo Age! Should be amazing.
  2. He looks like one of those guys you fight in the game Double Dragon on original Nintendo. But his hair is only the beginning of his problems. Some guy was taking like five minutes to pull up a picture on his iPhone and this is what he came up with. I said "you wanted a star so you showed me a picture of the guy from the Jersey Shore? Why would you want to look like that guy?" I try to be a nice guy but for some reason this dude set me off, He left and I am sure I offended him but I was beside myself that day.
  3. I will take animals in top hats riding unicycles smoking pipes with monocles and mustaches over people coming in with pictures of the cast of Jersey Shore as reference material. I am just saying things could be worse.
  4. If you have five or six people in a shop booked out solid there is probably enough money coming in to cover credit card fees and like you pointed out makes it so customers and tattooers don't have to walk around with large amounts of cash if they don't feel comfortable doing so. This definitely makes sense in my mind and I can see why some shops have chosen to accept cards. In a street shop with two guys tattooing most days I could see how it would be harder. Even if you are somewhat established there are some days when you are doing script names for shop minimum and after you factor the cost of supplies and pay the shop you are lucky if you make money on some of these tattoos. Raising prices to pay some company to hand money back and forth between you and your client seems silly to me in this scenario . If the reality was people were not getting tattooed at the shop because we don't accept cards, then I think obviously the policy would change, but really people don't seem to mind and I think that is what it comes down to, what works for each shop.
  5. I get at least 5-10 calls a week of people trying to sell me merchant credit processing and usually I just hang up on them and tell them to put me on a no call list. I used to talk to them and try to explain the situation and why I wasn't interested but they just never took no for an answer and just keep calling. Sometimes they will even pretend they are customers in an attempt to talk to the owner, but when I ask them for a number to call them back they just say they will call back. They would probably do better if they could pronounce my boss's name. Honestly I wouldn't do credit in our shop, with the volume we do it is more in our interest to keep our costs down, but also I will be damned if I am giving any money to those merchant processing company and their shady sales people.
  6. I have paid twice with a card, but both times it was because I bought t shirts and sketch books and only brought enough cash for tattoo. But the shop I am at only takes cash, unless you have gold or silver, cause that would be preferred method of payment, well depending on the market that day.
  7. What is worse than having your family jewels tattooed, I imagine doing it yourself like the guy in the link posted below. I ran into him at the Portland Tattoo Convention. I tried to introduce myself, but he blew me off and said he didn't feel like talking to anyone that day so I told him to have a good day and moved on. Funny 20 mins later I see a flustered Corey Miller being harassed by this guy while he is trying to tattoo a client and his counter person must have been on a lunch break, I had to laugh a little. Thankfully he gave me a business card so I can view video and pics of him tattooing his own junk. Unfortunately it looks like his site is having some difficulties. I feel sorry for this guy. MATTGONE.NET/.COM/.INFO./ORG Ink-Stained Wretch
  8. I have watched grizzly man a couple times and I think at some point the guy obviously cared about what he was doing and did it for a long time and accomplished a lot, but it seemed like he was more concerned with his legacy and how people perceived him or would in the future in regards to Grizzly Bears. Maybe it was driven by Schizophrenia, but at some point he it seemed he forgot or ignored how powerful and ferocious a bear is. I think the movie kinda of portrays him as a douche, but it doesn't reflect his whole career. I have never been around a grizzly in the wild, but have come into contact with a few black bears which are like half the size and that was scary enough.
  9. I know there are more than a few people walking around with this Pinky Yun signature in the San Jose Area and worldwide for that matter.
  10. Got this outlined on Friday. Only had about an hour and a half of tattoo time available before had to get ready for next appointment or would have started the shading.
  11. I have a buddy at the shop I work at that really epitomizes this thread. A slow day always meant closing up shop early and a trip to the corner sports bar for some beers. More than once a tattoo idea has been inspired by a night of drinking PBR tall boys and sometimes can't even wait till morning and caused us to open the shop back up for some after hours tattooing. He has been in New Zealand the last 2 years but talked to him this weekend and should be back at the shop permanently by Thanksgiving. Also he has sent about 20 new sheets of flash for the shop that he painted during his winter and I can't wait to get some tattoos.
  12. There is nothing cooler in my mind than a place you know you can walk in and get a top notch tattoo that day. Same reason I love Chicago Tattoo Company. My wife wants to go to New York next year just for fun little does she know my ulterior tattoo motives. Also there are so many people in New York doing such amazing large scale stuff, I don't think I would run out shops to go see on my visit.
  13. I would call this the year of the Dragon, not that it's a bad thing or that dragons aren't always in, but now I am seeing people walking in off the street wanting dragons as opposed to just regulars customers getting them. Sure beats the rebirth of tribal that happened early 2010 for us.
  14. There is a place called the Alley around the corner from Chicago Tattoo that reminds me of what you describe. It's not in a mall but it might as well be, think it started out as a clothing store, then started doing piercings and of course now you can get a tattoo there. There real gimmick is if you are cool you can use the entrance from the back alley hence the name, pretty sweet. I can't imagine how many people get tattooed in that place when you can throw a rock and hit one of the best shops in the country.
  15. As much as I don't want to turn this into a complaining session about customers, but people get hung up on the money thing. Often people don't know the things that make a tattoo good or bad, so if all the tattoos look good they are going to go to the one with a more reasonable price even if they suck. The other thing is people get baited in by low by the hour rates. They don't understand the guy charging very little per hour usually has less experience and is slow and the tattoo will end up costing them more. On the other side people don't want to be told no even if there idea sucks. So instead of listening they go to every shop until someone tells them there idea is good and they get exactly what they want. In this case the friend is seeking out advice so I think he will end up with a good tattoo.
  16. Welcome to the Forum Doc, I think you will fit in just fine.
  17. I subscribe to this theory as long as it doesn't involve me getting tribal tattoos. But seriously I think it's a great observation. Another thing that comes to mind is who chooses to stay part of the community and who just kind of disappears. Some people express opinions that are not well received by forum members and it would seem. In most cases it involves a group of forum members sharing the similar shared opinion on the topic. The person either leaves the forum or somehow accepts that the forum stance is maybe not right but acceptable. As the user begins to interact on other topics the difference of opinion that was the first interaction doesn't seem to exist. But honestly have no idea about anthropology, and only took one sociology class in college so not really sure exactly what I am seeing or how to express it.
  18. I just got back from Chicago but already this thread is making me want to go back. The first time I went into Taylor Street I had no idea it was name day, but we were early so it was still not that busy. I picked the monkey that is my avatar off the wall and my wife and her friend each had a tattoo drawn for them. By the time we left the lobby was packed with all kinds of people people wanting their $20 name tattoos. Everyone from a English Lit major wanting a quote to people who didn't know how to spell the name they were getting and arguing about what they could get for $20. It was standing room only, and a great tattoo memory for me. I apologized to the tattooers for taking up so much of their time on a special day, but they seemed glad to do some fun tattoos. Been there a couple times since, not on Tuesday, but its been a few years might have to check it out again on next visit.
  19. You can try to steer people in the right direction and I still do but try but if they don't listen that's there problerm. A wise man once said "Everyone gets the tattoo they deserve"
  20. For every girl with six inch stilettos and her boobs falling out there is some guy with little or no tattoos walking around the tattoo convention with his shirt off for some unknown reason. A group of young black kids tried to taunt me calling me Lil Wayne near the Loyola Campus in Chicago. I just shooked my head and smiled.
  21. You ever check Aloha Monkey, I'm not sure how far that is from you, but I know Josh Arment is hell of a tattooer and there are a lot of people who guest spot at that shop. The Aloha Monkey - Local Business - Burnsville, MN | Facebook
  22. I made an appoinntment to do this on Thursday the 12th and on the way home realized Friday the 13th would be a better day for this so I called and changed it. It was done by Mike V at Artwork Rebels, but when he was down the street at Imperial Tattoo in Portland.
  23. Yeah sounds like you are moving on to bigger and better things.
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