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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. This may not be that old, but a damn good pic circa 1994 Deluxe Tattoo Portland Oregon. Ross Ferrie, Chris Conn, and Terry Tweed.
  2. We would love to have you Joe! I spent a lot of time in my bubble too busy to bother with what everyone else was doing, but you are right if you are in to tattoos and food Portland is a good place and relatively cheap to live in at least for the moment.
  3. Justin Lee is a great tattooer not sure where he is working these days but know he left adorn about a year ago, but reminds me of Eli Falconette and Justin Dion @ blacklist and Matt Valentine Tattoos
  4. Heath Preheim from Temple has some nice ships in his portfolio too. I was just trying to suggest some stuff close to home, if you travel down to San Francisco you have a ton of options. I would also really recommend getting tattooed by Nick Colella if you have the chance. Though I haven't been tattooed by Eric Gillespie a good friend of mine has a handful of tattoos by him and really nice stuff as well.
  5. Vinse One at Liberty Tattoo in Seattle does some nice stuff, Taking a road trip to Portland and checking out Atlas Tattoo would be worth it. They have a website, but the portfolio's in the shop trump anything you see online.
  6. I almost think it would be funnier if other forum members came up with your title.
  7. As a "senior member" I demand their be a buffet and I get a discount on it between 2-4 daily. I like @CaptCanada idea, I will start thinking of my new title as we speak.
  8. There is nothing in this world that will stop people from giving their opinion.
  9. Not the best Pic but one of the guys at my shop got this piece of Rollo Flash done by Mav Mess last week. Love this design.
  10. I don't think I have gone more than a month in the last five years without getting a tattoo. Until I get my back done and one rib at least outlined I am trying not to get any other tattoos. It was tough this weekend, a couple of my friends had some pretty cool Halloween sheets painted. My lack of free time without my son should help facilitate this. I just realized if I didn't step up and get my back and ribs done that would be the only spots I have left before years end. I think I know who I want to do both of my ribs and hopefully I can make it happen. I am going to try to get a couple hours done on my back on Friday, get this show on the road.
  11. Now that it Halloween is upon us, what a great time to share Halloween themed or inspired tattoos. Start it off with this bat boy lives tattoo done last year on Halloween.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWJjgLA8N8c
  13. Yeah I was in Chicago getting tattooed when he came to Portland last month, it was a bummer, really wanted to go.
  14. After all the hip hop yesterday for some reason I feel like listening to country music. This song cracks me up.
  15. Flyer Chris Conn sent out to shops when he started working at Tattoo City. This one was sent to Deluxe Tattoo in Portland, dug it out awhile back and found a frame for it.
  16. Here is my list 5 Monkeys 4 Sharks 3 Snakes 3 Panthers 2 Eagles Tiger Rat Dodo Bird Hippopotamus Penguin Vulture Bulldog Wolf Bat Owl Tequila Worm Spider Fly And on a completely unrelated matter 15 skulls.
  17. That eagle you got the other day was pretty cool. Think I saw it on Spencer Reisback's facebook if I am not mistaken. Between this thread and your rib piece, I am seriously jonesing to finish my back and get my ribs started.
  18. Don't get much better than this IMO.
  19. That's a shame because there are a lot of women doing a lot of good things in tattooing over the age of 30. Really when you think about it, a lot of people are just hitting their stride. I don't have much use for most tattoo magazines and their perception of beauty. If most can't even tell the difference between a good and bad tattoo, I don't consider them a credible authority on judging attractiveness in general.
  20. Are these guys for real or the Hipster Version of Spinal Tap?
  21. Had a friend who carved slayer in his arm when we were like 17, of course he let someone tattoo a swastika on him in their kitchen too the next week. I don't condone bad tattoos, but isn't that how you are supposed to get a Slayer tattoo? That being said there is a Slayer Eagle redrawn as a tattoo up in the wall in the shop just screaming for someone to get it as a back piece, but so far no takers.
  22. Trying to pass well constructed and executed professional tattoos as his own, while still leaving a few of his kitchen concoctions there for people to see is laughable. There are not to many people that specialize in Realistic Black and Grey and badly drawn boomboxes with stars. Passing off other peoples work as his own is probably not necessary, when your clientele consists of those looking for an inexpensive tattoo that they can get in a mouldy apartment so the guy hustle up some rent. Seems like this guy and his clients are probably made for each other.
  23. Yeah for whatever it's worth I didn't see it either but looks like all the pics have been taken down except for the Hayley Lakeman Portrait of Bob Marley on his Future Ink page.
  24. I think the extras with Ed Hardy and Lyle Tuttle talking about Bert Grimm and other old tattooers and the interview with Doug Hardy on the extras was the best part of the whole DVD. Oh and the part when Ed was talking about his dad and his photography. The movie was okay, but that stuff was amazing to hear.
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