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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. I like the shading a lot in the flowers. I think you will end up with a nice tattoo.
  2. Usually when I get tattooed it represents my free time or time with the guys. Even at the shop our wives don't really come around except when we have events at the shop. From time to time our wives or their friends want to get tattooed and even then our wives only sometimes show up with them. Our wives like tattoos just not in the same way we do and I think they get that. On the flip side when on vacation I have never heard my wife complain about being dragged to whatever tattoo shop happens to be in that city and sometimes even decides she wants to get tattooed. I don't know if I would feel the same way about tattoos if there wasn't this balance of it being my own thing and something I share.
  3. Better pic to show what's going on and my back tattoo creeping up. Honestly I really like this tattoo and look very much, wasn't so sure at the time about it, but I really felt like that space felt empty.
  4. Funny I just squeezed this chain in a couple weeks ago, you can kind of see in the pic that it is coming out of slits on the top of my shoulder. I always wish I had planned my front better, but never really thought about it, just got tattooed.
  5. Yeah the week after labor day. Getting tattooed at Spider Murphys on Wednesday and Blackheart on Thursday.
  6. I should have a couple good ones for September, the competition is always fierce, but hoping Cripwell and Gilsdorf can get me in the running again.
  7. Yeah but maybe since it was dug up we will find out what happened to that tattoo, my bet is he is still wearing it. Coverups are for names of girls you are no longer dating and that tattoo you got while drunk in vegas on the strip, not a Eli Quinters tattoo. - - - Updated - - - I really could see it going either way. I could see someone like Eli who stays pretty busy just deciding he doesn't want to try to cover up something he put there with intention of being solid for the rest of the persons life. It would a lot more work than slapping a black panther over a barely their scrappy tattoo. Obviously people can do what they want with their tattoos, and I am sure he wouldn't care about it like some priceless masterpiece. On the otherhand maybe he would want the chance to be the one to cover it. But ultimately everyone suggested for the OP to go back to and talk to him in hopes they would talk him into keeping the tattoo.
  8. Check this out, my wife is going to a bachelorette type party for one of her co workers, but only four girls total including bride. They decided that part of the party will be for all of them to get tattooed. My wife and her friend Nicole have a handful of tattoos each, the other girl shayla has a couple poorly done tattoos from vegas and the bride has no tattoos. At first my wife and Nicole suggested our shop, because I work there and they have both been tattooed there many times and I wasn't crazy about the idea because trying to get them all tattooed in one afternoon could be a task, seeing as the one girl hasn;t been tattooed before and the other girl fancy's herself a bit of an artist and they all want different things and trying to get them all to stop in for a consult. But ultimately I agreed to make it happen, after all I had almost a month to get their ideas together and get organized. Fast forward a week, they decide they want it to be a true girls night out, and want to find a shop with some ladies that can tattoo them. Now my first thought is that I dodged that bullet, but after I thought for a minute there is only a few really good female tattooers in town and finding a shop for them that has two good female tattooers available on somewhat short notice is more of a task then just doing the tattoos. Making one tattooer do four custom basically walk in tattoos would not only take twice as long, and it's still going to be a tattoo shop not a day spa just because a women is tattooing you. At first my wife didn't believe me and told me I have issues against women, so I had to show her what I was talking about. I went through about 20 shops web sites and showed her some of the stuff people are passing off as tattoos, then pulled up some of the portfolios of good women tattooers in town and some other examples of good tattoos in general. Also I told her that some of these women are in high demand and might not be available or interested in doing something like this on semi short notice, so they should keep their options open if they couldn't book with the women I suggested. I also told her that I wouldn't be too happy if she got a substandard tattoo just because she had to get tattooed by a woman, mostly because I just don't want to give hacks our money, especially when I know so many good tattooers. Her response to me was, "well you go to businesses run by Mexicans to support Mexicans and Latinos.", my response "We are not talking about Carne Asada here." By the end of the conversation I think everyone got what I was saying and understood that I just want them to get good tattoos but it was quite exhausting in the process.
  9. That's almost exactly how we do it, except we just have the prices right on the sheets and each sheet is labeled with initial of who painted it. (example A-25, R-11, D-9) and we just go back to the file cabinet where there is a corresponding folder. It works pretty well, every once in awhile we have to pull something off the wall and photocopy it and make a new line drawing. We have talked about the color code system but I kind of just like the price being on there.
  10. I can't remember the last tattoo I got that wasn't someone's flash. I have the privilege of working in a shop covered in hand painted flash and always get first dibs on the new sheets before they go up, but often times I still find myself drawn to stuff that has been up on the wall for years and dozens of people have got them. People don't understand that all the stuff on the wall started with illustration board and watercolor right there in the shop, they just assume we bought it out of a magazine so they have no problem saying they don't want something off the wall, but we work hard to train people to get better tattoos, and many people have been converted even though it is continually an uphill battle.
  11. From what I have seen of your work though, you approach things in a lot of the same ways as a tattooer, at least while you are doing tattoo related or inspired art. The biggest example that comes to mind is all the day of the dead art out there, a lot of it is cool but not all of it makes good tattoos but people really dig it.
  12. The one that gets me is commisioning some "artist" (non tattooer) hundreds of dollars to design you a tattoo based upon the fact that their art has some of the same subject matter as tattoos. First of all you spent $500 that you didn't have to just so you can take the design to a tattooer and have them redraw so it works as a tattoo. You probably could have gotten a nice canvas print to hang on your wall for about same price as commission and you could let the tattooer design the tattoo.
  13. I just saw this as I was skimming the new threads.
  14. Yeah that seems pretty marketable, I have a friend who went to school for that and does quite well and he is almost as tattooed as me. I think it's a smart move to wait, I didn't get tattooed on my lower arms till 25, which may be still too young for some, but for me was as long as I could wait.
  15. The next day after my incident we went to our buddys shop downtown to hang out for the afternoon and told him the story and he said that they had tattooed a similar design on a girl fitting that description the night before. He didn't do the tattoo so he couldn't attest to what interaction there was, but he approached the tattoo in the same manner, but I guess she had a few tattoos from him and his shop is downtown not in Beaverton so it was cooler. I have nothing against those guys in fact that is where I go to get my tattoos, and hang out. Funny end to the story she now is a tattooer and works at a shop in Beaverton and still has no clue how to draw.
  16. Tattoos are just tattoos. That would be like saying everyone who got an anchor tattoo is a sailor or everyone who got a tribal tattoo was a cage fighter.
  17. I am more interested in the BBQ portion, but I thought the idea was pretty cool when Jesse of Man B Que told me about it on my last visit. Not sure about tattooing being in the dark ages other than the fact that you guys were kind of the last city that didn't have a hundred shops until a handful of years ago. There clearly is a rich history of tattooing in Chicago .
  18. http://www.facebook.com/events/384367751629570/ Welcome To RevolutionTattoo.net Revolution Tattoo and Man B Que are having an event called Tattoo B Que. Basically it will be a big BBQ hosted at the shop with the hopes of doing a bunch of BBQ themed tattoos. Tattoos start at $100 and anyone who gets tattooed eats and drinks for free.
  19. I kind of feel the same way about Pacific Northwest,too many people I haven't got tattooed by in Portland and Seattle area. but running out of room want to get some tattoos from some different people, I am going back to SF to get tattooed. Blackheart and Spider Murphy's back to back days. Funny thing is the person who is going to tattoo me at Blackheart owns a shop a mile from my house, he is just so booked up here i am flying down there to get tattooed. I never got tattooed by him when he was up here full time because he just seemed so busy and there are so many guys who do great traditional work, but I decided I need this tattoo and figured might as well cross Stuart Cripwell off my wishlist while I am at it.
  20. Even without the face tattoos, still don't think I want to party with that dude.
  21. Funny a couple of years ago a client and friend of the shop was dating this girl who was starting tattoo school. It was her birthday so he bought her a tattoo, but was at work so she came in to get it alone. She brought a bunch of Milton Zeis reference and a Stoney St Clair Sheet repainted by Danny Reed that is in the revisited book. She wanted a crawling panther type design like on those sheets, but with leopard spots. Pretty straightforward design, piece of cake. She must have made one of the guys draw it like eight times. First it was too simple, then he drew a better cat and it wasn't enough like the flash, there was a bunch of nonsense about the claws and putting eyelashes on it, but this went on for like an hour, the whole time she was trying to ask a bunch of questions about being a tattooer. So the last time we just handed her a piece of paper and a pencil and told her to draw what she wanted. She claimed she didn't work well with pencil and paper and did all her drawings on computer. At that point my boss got up from the back and asked her point blank "You actually think you are going to become a tattooer? I can't wait to see how you deal with a customer like you. " At that point she was instructed that these were not the droids she was looking for and decided to leave before she was asked to.
  22. When I think of classic tattoo design this pic comes to mind. I have a web on my arm, but have not done any jail time in my adult life. But if someone was thinking about starting shit with me and didn't because of my tattoo I wouldn't be offended.
  23. Just posted from Skull and Sword Tattoo, I am sure it will go fast. Skull & Sword Tattoo Studio Grime has an open spot for a small one shot tattoo on Wednesday... takers? E-mail [email protected]
  24. Kudos on being creative and finding some images that represent your family. 9 out of 10 people would just have a bunch of names written down their arm. Can't wait to see the progress.
  25. Greetings! I would say go with something big, my choice would be a big tiger that covers your upper arm. The script lettering doesn't really go with the stuff you just got but once you get a few more tattoos no one will notice. You are pretty lucky you found the Parlour, best shop in Eugene, those guys will steer you right.
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