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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. Lagunitas just came out with a Doppelweizen, very uncharacteristic of them put delicious and in the neighborhood of 9% ABV. Also just picked up a couple bottles of Russian River's Pliny the Elder that I stumbled upon at the beer store. It was a limit of one bottle per person so I had to get out some disguises and return throught the day. Not really I just made the lady sell one to my 9 month old, Classy I know.
  2. I think the reason there are so many Phoenix tattoos, is the same reason there are so many eagle, panther and pin up girl tattoos, because they make a good tattoo. I have never been one for getting tattoos with meaning, but in this case it's a good tattoo idea and it holds meaning to you so it seems like a win win situation. Just make sure you get it as big as you can, make it powerful and bold. That guys portfolio that was posted earlier in the thread looks like he would do a good job, some nice work.
  3. Not a Dandy Warhol fan but funny enough did see them in concert in Portland in 1995. I only spent one year of high school in Portland and one in Seattle. But the music scene definitely drew me toward Portland. I have to say that I know a lot of people who fancy themselves photographers and none of them are making very much money because every asshole with an $80 digital camera is now a photographer and Every asshole with a computer is a graphic designer. I don't know your friends work, but what I do know is there are a lot of people willing to work for next to nothing and often time volunteer their work for free and people looking for this work know that and just will go with the free work, despite the quality. Gee what other craft is like that? Tattoing is different than other fields in the sense that most feel you have to earn the right to tattoo by paying your dues, regardless of natural talent in art. Skipping this step, depraves you of a lot of insight to running a tattoo shop that aren't related to art. Getting tattooed was a way to learn about the industry and be present to some important conversations. Don't believe me go watch the Dringenberg Interview on the home page.
  4. I bet your bro does sick ink and sweet tatties all day long, and he may say he likes tattoos but actions speak louder than words, and getting tattooed shows your dedication to the craft. I don't know I think this topic has been exhausted and we have heard from some of the best tattooers in the world and they seem to have a similar opinion. I am not saying someone can't put on a good tattoo without tattoos, but clearly he doesn't love tattoos as much as you or he would have some.
  5. Playing Devil's advocate I think there are a lot of people that travel all over the united states to get a tattoo , when there are a lot of good people locally that could do the same tattoo. I am all for getting tattooed on a trip, but I have never traveleld somewhere just to get tattooed. I am getting tattooed by Mario Desa in a week in Chicago but I have a birthday party to go to on Saturday there so it works out. I guess to some degree I might be more likely to visit a place like San Fran because in the back of my mind I know I can get a tattoo, but there are so many people in Portland that I stilll need to get work by. Don't get me wrong I know there are a lot of people who travel a long way to get good tattoos, I know Iwar is coming from Norway and getting tattooed by Grime, Scott Sylvia, and Tim Lehi and I think that is bad ass.
  6. I don't take personal offense when people use slang terms I just kind of use it as a barometer for how in the loop a person is. Two people joking around in the shop might say "ready to do some tatzaps" and the other might respond "slinging ink all day long" and i know they are joking having a good time. However if some guy comes in and wants to show me his sweet tatz that his bro who has his own tat gun and ask how much it would cost him to get sleeved cause he bro would do it for $100, then that is annoying.
  7. So this was the official release? I have heard of screenings here and there, but never made any of them. I guess what I am getting at is it available for purchase? I check Netflix and it's not on there. I felt the same way at a screening of Hori Smoku. It was a bunch of people with little or no tattoos drinking free rum and taking pictures in front of Sailor Jerry flash backdrop, but the movie was great and I had a couple drinks myself and if I recall it was free admission. Edit: Looks like it is available online and it shows that I can possibly get it at my local target, but I don't buy that (they probably just have the Ed Hardy floor mats for my car)
  8. Part 1 was a week ago, so I was kind of bummed it wasn't up. Plus I already watched the Dringenberg video.
  9. I believe the correct term should be turtlenecked ? Who thinks of this stuff.
  10. Got this a couple weeks ago from Justin at Blacklist Tattoo in Portland. In a little over a week I should have another new tattoo to post and then three days after that I am getting my back piece lined and shaded.
  11. One of those tattoos looks like the Kool Aid guy, which would be fine except how do you need someone to design that for you?
  12. You are correct I must be getting it mixed up with another shop, I think Idle Hand is on Haight, I think I went to both places same day.
  13. It's not bad at all, but like I said it's rent controlled so I am sure if she ever did give up her place there is a waiting list to fill it. I probably wouldn't live in the Tenderloin with a family, but my friend is a single girl in her late twenties early thirties and she seems to like it and I have never had any problems on visits. Haight seems like a fun street too plus Blackheart Tattoo is on that street, although I have never looked into living in that part of town. I think you are smart to come and visit before you make your decision, plus it gives you an excuse to go get tattooed.
  14. This is why I always ask people who want a tattoo "finished" who started the tattoo. In one case the girl couldn't locate the artist that had started a piece on her, because the shop he worked at no longer existed. When she told me his name, I actually had his business card in my back pocket for his new shop and he was able to finish the tattoo. The tattoo was all lined just needed to be shaded in so it would have been the easy to just have one of the guys finish it but not the right thing to do especially to a guy that was cool to me. It was that situation that taught me to ask because I figured the customer might not think to in most cases.
  15. David Flores


    Owls are pretty interesting predators, plus I think it takes more than an owl tattoo to be a hipster. (at least I hope so, although mine is wearing a derby with a monocle so it might be too late to save me). Welcome to the forum.
  16. If I had more money I would move to San Francisco. I don't know the whole story about finances, but I know it's not $15 a beer. I think my friend pays like 900 a month for a tiny studio in the tenderloin but I think it's rent controlled so it would be like 1100 otherwise. Honestly even if i was single I would move there at this point and make it work, but Portland is a pretty close second so that will do for now.
  17. I think if you are going to get a tattoo of a celebrity, it should be someone funny or ironic, and taking a traditional approach to it kind of lets people know you take it as a joke as well. Yeah honestly I don't even think most realistic color portraits look that good when they are freshly done, it's like everything else a few people put out really nice ones and then everyone starts doing them.
  18. It would be kind of funny to mess with people like that because you know they are nervous to begin with and are probably not going to say much no matter what you do because they want to get tattooed. So seeing how far you can take it makes sense. It's a tattoo shop people should be having fun after all.
  19. I once showed up to a tattoo appointment and the whole lobby was empty. After a couple minutes someone came out to use the restroom and escorted me to a back room where there was a small group of guys watching the Kenny Powers Eastbound and Down. I sat their for like eight episodes, i think we ordered pizza, maybe even got a six pack and eventually after 8 hours at the tattoo shop I had my $120 aviator skull off the wall. Now sometimes I don't just go to get tattooed but to see what they are watching.
  20. As long as he wasn't charging me by the hour I would be happy to watch youtube videos with him.
  21. Elvis Weddings at the ORIGINAL Las Vegas Elvis Wedding Chapel Best decision we ever made. Las Vegas Celebrity Weddings at Graceland Wedding Chapel I figure if it was good enough for Billy Ray Cyrus, Jon Bon Jovi and Rob Zombie...
  22. Harry: I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this. Lloyd: I was thinking the same thing. That John Denver's full of shit, man.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BfwP-FdXJQ http://www.vbs.tv/watch/tattoo-age--2/tattoo-age-troy-denning-part-1 I think Troy is my favorite so far. He is like a tuxedo t shirt, he says business but I also like to party. Also his tattoos look amazing.
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