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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. The Anchor Special Ale was good this year. I always like the Goose Island stuff, (one of my best friends works there), my other two favorites were Anderson Valley s Winter Solstice and 21st Amendment Fireside Chat. Subtle spice notes really gave these beer a nice winter feel and they were both fairly strong to get you in the christmas spirit.
  2. Can you post a photo of the tattoo, they had some pretty harsh critiques but on as a viewer I only saw it for a few seconds. I am not really interested in shitting on your tattoo, just think it would be nice to see a healed photo of the tattoo.
  3. @RoryQ I felt the same way in 2007. Almost everyone I knew was buying a house even though house prices had more than doubled. I don't know how many people were convinced that prices were just going to go up, but it just didn't make any sense to me and I am glad went with my gut. But I still see the upside of owning a home under the right conditions. @Reyeslv, you bring up a good point about buying a depreciating investment. I think it's hard to determine when rock bottom is really going to hit. I have a few realtors that I trust, but I know at best they are making an educated guess. And bottom line they are there to make money and sell houses for people as well as find me a house so they aren't exactly objective. @JAllen, great point, I have looked at rates and have a local bank, but never thought about investigating the mortgage company. @ShawnPorter , sounds like it worked out for you quite well. Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it.
  4. For as long as I can remember people have been telling me to buy a house and I can't recall a time in the last ten years when in someone's opinion it wasn't the time to buy a house. In my twenties I could make the excuse that I was too young and didn't want to be tied down to a house or house poor as someone put it, but as I grow older I the idea sounds more appealing to me. My main concerns are I don't see a house as this worry free investment, like it has been sold for so long. Inflation is growing at a much higher rate than house values. House values are at about what they were ten years ago here in Portland. Houses seem like they can become a money pit in regards to repairs. I can't always depend on making steady money or necessarily as much money as I currently do. It would also mean that making a decision to live in Portland for the foreseeable future. But also realistically I don't see myself being able to afford to buy a house in neighborhoods I would like to live in and could potentially mean moving to suburbia. Also I would be clearing out my savings to put a down payment down and do any repairs necessary. On the other hand the best thing I can think of is it will be my own house to do what I want with and not have to deal with a landlord or neighbors being right next to you or on top or below you. In the end whether you make a lot of money or not, renting you lose all your money even if rent does seem to be much cheaper monthly. I know there are tax write offs, but I figure property taxes will cancel those out. I guess what it really comes down to is I have no debt, I live comfortably within my means and I have a lot of money in the bank and I don't want that to change. I see younger people than me with credit card and school debt that make less money, buying houses that I can't afford with no money down and I just don't understand how they do it. I don't want to be the last one to this party, but also don't want to fix something not broken. I know the opinion of people I talk to everyday, just thought maybe someone else would have some wisdom on the subject.
  5. I am starting to fill in, actually I am about halfway through since I last posted. I have done some more stars and dots and some colored smoke on one forearm with a spiderweb on my elbow and some skull smoke on the other arm with a modified windswirl with lightning bolt on the other. They are looking pretty gnarly now, but will post when healed. I am really happy, considering on how it looks, especially since I was never concerned with being sleeved, I just got a bunch of tattoos on my arms till I ran out of room.
  6. I always bring back coffee from here Chicago Roasting Works | Intelligentsia Coffee , They share a building with Goose Island Brewery so I bring back a lot of beer too. I usually just use my Hamiltion Beach Brewstation it cost like $50 so nothing fancy. When I run out of the stuff from my trips my buddy owns a coffee company in town. Black Rock Coffee Bar
  7. I don't think there are any trade secrets in TAM or maybe they send me a special version where they take them all out beforehand. I always just thought of it being a magazine where tattoo artists can speak freely without having to worry about alienating potential clients and giving clients too much info for their own good. A lot of the interviews are similar in content to the artists interviews on this site (good thing) in the sense that they are very informative but in no way provide a gate to learning how to tattoo. It is a great magazine and the only tattoo magazine I read cover to cover, although I have been known to pick up a copy of Tattoo Energy to look at the pictures.
  8. Yeah and they leave them up there to taunt you and remind you that you weren't quick enough. Great just what I needed another thing to spend money on.
  9. Just bought Chris Conn one, stoked oh and the Louis CK.
  10. I really just use my Facebook, even to get to this forum I log in my facebook account. I have a google + but last I check not much going on there. I mostly just subscribe to tattooers feeds on facebook and talk with the few actual friends and acquaintances I have, the rest of the people i put in their own little list so I never have to see them.
  11. That very well could be true, but I imagine it's probably more an attitude than a code and you would figure at least one guy would take the money. I think they put a couple of bad tattooers on there just so they could shit on them. I think Stewart might have mentioned something about how the conversation lasts a lot longer about something that is bad, vs something that is good. -+
  12. I have a five point nautical star on my chest, (one of my early tattoos), I would much rather have a spider with a web around it or a nice cat head in that spot. I have both knee caps available, on one I know I am going to do a tibetan skull, I have a pretty simplified design that should work well and has been drawn to fit the space I have left, now just getting up the balls to do it.
  13. A nautical star has so many straight lines, my first thought inclination would say not a very good idea for a knee tattoo, but I honestly am not familiar with the designs you are talking about so maybe i'm thinking of something different. What site(s) are you seeing them on?
  14. My foot healed quickly. It really was the first day or two that there was any swelling. I tried to find a nice slip on shoe, but they were all so tight around the foot, I ended up wearing my Doc Marten Chelsea slip ons, with a cotton sock and aquaphor when I had to leave house. As soon as I would get home would wash and go barefoot with no aquaphor. I just did it at the beginning of my weekend and by the end of my days off I was good to go.
  15. Even before posting my first comment I tried to find everyone's portfolio. I think James Vaughn is the best tattooer on the show in my opinion. Josh, Tommy, Shane stuff is good, but their styles don't do much for me, but yeah they can all put on tattoos. After that it seems to just drop off drastically. I didn't know Heather used to work at Avalon, I really like most of the stuff that comes out of that shop, but the only thing I saw was the two tattoos she did on the show. I guess the biggest bummer is what everyone did in the skull challenge. Probably the weakest skulls I have ever seen tattooed. I am just surprised they chose all new skool and realistic tattooers and no Traditional, Japanese, or Black and Grey (not all of them, just one or two). Plus there are some definite technical issues going on with some contestants.
  16. I am a little shocked at how shallow the talent pool is on this show for contestants. Not that impressed in that respect, but think Oliver and Chris seem to not be cutting them much slack, which is good. I am going to watch a couple more episodes and see how this develops.
  17. If it was legal in Oregon I would have a hard time figuring it out this issue. I still don't know if I would be excited for my son to rush into getting tattooed,, but it would be nice to have someone who knows what they are doing and is a responsible tattooer doing it. But I guess nothing magical happens at age 18.
  18. I didn't read this whole thread, but I relate to what Dari says about her kids being young. I really don't know what my feelings will be in 12-15 years. Right now in the state we live in I would discourage it, because it is illegal and anyone worth a shit tattooing wouldn't tattoo anyone underage. I would tell him he can get whatever he wants, by whoever he wants and I will book the appointment and pay for it as long as he waits till 18 when he can get a proper tattoo. My guess though he wouldn't have anyone but my best friend ("Uncle Ross") do it, but who knows I might be shelling out some money on some airfare and hotel, oh well at least I could get tattooed as well.
  19. I don't know I have seen people get pretty "bored" of tattoos they got as a sign of a relationship they were in (along with their new boyfriend and or girlfriends). If you just get tattoos that look good, you probably will never have to deal with laser removal or coverup. But ultimately everyone should get tattoos for their own reason or lack of reason. What the hell this has to do with tribal tattoos is beyond me.
  20. That certainly is a portrait of a penis. Man people are weird.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfoWgLDxT_8 This song came to mind all of sudden.
  22. I have witnessed a few people try to make requests about what music we listen to. My boss tell them, "the music is for me, not for you. I'm the one working after all." It cracks me up every time, but people don't question it, because they like his grumpy old tattooer persona.
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