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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. Victor Farinelli: Dave Lum Artist Profile « TAM Blog It has been rumored that Dave Lum will only be tattooing till the end of this year.
  2. Recently a guy at our shop repainted a set of Pinky Yun flash(the set with that badass tiger sheet). Pinky is one of my favorite tattooers, but some of his stuff has way too many lines. I hear he wasn't the biggest fan of putting in color, which considering most of his flash is black and white is plausible. So I guess what I am saying is it wasn't really a project you could just repaint, you had to take out some lines and figure out color, but the designs are top notch.
  3. I think this convention stopped there last year too. And just like this year, I had no clue it was coming until it was here. I haven't really heard anyone mention it. I can't seem to find a lineup either. I might have to stop in though. http://www.myspace.com/313243738/photos/14729499#{%22ImageId%22%3A14729499} Edit found lineup still no one that I know tattooing there.
  4. Permanent Mark | Tattoos, Travel Reality Show | Full Episodes | Spike | SPIKE full episodes and all.
  5. Every once in awhile i feel bad about turning away some 16-17 year old kid. Especially when some of them conduct themselves better than people who are of legal age to get tattooed. I remember one time, answering the phone and it was a mother asking for her and her 16 year old son to getting matching tattoos for her mom who's funeral they were in town attending. I had to explain to her that our hands are tied because of state laws, but really in that scenario I see nothing wrong with doing a tattoo of that nature. Also the human in me tells me to try to make things easier on people who are going through some shitty times.
  6. i forgot but at some point Inny left and came to work at the Pinup Parlour too. Wow you do have quite the resume.
  7. I hadn't heard about Conn. I will look it up and pass the info on. Edit: Wow, I hope he gets better that really sucks. That pretty cool you worked for Henry. I hear that guy is quite a character. Ross tells a good story about getting kicked out of Henry's shop the first couple times he tried to get tattooed there. Sounds like a fun time to be in the bay area in the 80's and 90's.
  8. I am sure Freddy knows about it, I think the guy still gets tattooed down there, his name is Lex. He was actually on one of the first seasons of Survivor, though I never have watched that show. Freddy is the guy who encouraged my boss to start tattooing and really helped him out in his early years. Ross used to have a shop in San Jose with Mav Mess called the pinup parlour. Freddy convinced Chris Conn to go work with those guys and later Conn brought Ross up to Portland a few years later. So I guess what I am trying to say is Freddy is highly regarded at our shop. I have never met the guy, but I hope to one day very soon. In fact I am waiting for a call back from him to set up a tattoo appointment to fly down there.
  9. When my wife was pregnant, I had just gotten a couple Mike Malone Sketchbooks and Bullseyes and Blackeyes. A lot of repainting of Rollo flash at the shop that year and a lot of Rollo flash being tattooed. I forget who threw it out there, but someone suggested Rollo as a baby name, as a joke. I mentioned it to my wife and she really liked it and we never thought of anything better to name him, so I have a little Rollo running around. Funny one of my boss's friends has a son named Corbin after Freddy.
  10. https://www.google.com/search?q=american%20flag%20pants&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&source=hp&channel=np#q=american+flag+pants&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=xGo&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=np&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=shop&ei=Ay88T8ysDav-iQKIhcCrAQ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=6&ved=0CEoQ_AUoBQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=1045e76c1996e051&biw=1252&bih=567 About 35-40 bucks what a deal.
  11. Doug posted a picture recently of him getting his first tattoo by his dad in July of 1984. That would have been right around the time he turned 18 as he was born in July 1966.
  12. The only advice I would have for what it's worth is I price all the hand painted flash on the wall when it goes up so people have an idea of what a tattoo might cost when they look around and update old sheets with prices that fit the costs of today periodically. It certainly hasn't eliminated all the price shoppers, but for the most part the people who are serious about getting a fair tattoo at a fair price have a good idea beforehand what price range they are looking at. It also helps me to price custom tattoos, when a person walks in and wants something drawn for them I can reference similar images on the wall to give them an accurate estimate The people looking to get stuff for free or way below value aren't worth dealing with and the price is what the price is for them.
  13. Make sure there is plenty of time for the kitchen magician to spout off about how great their tattoos are and all the excuses for why they don't tattoo in a shop before the gig is up and they realize they are going to jail.
  14. Meeting on Thursday with realtor in attempt to be more proactive in this endeavor. So hopefully the next one doesn't slip away.
  15. That kind of happened to me today. Two people I know were talking about a messed up tattoo one girl had done (in her kitchen by her boyfriend) and how she needed to get it fixed. The other girl then professed her love for Ami James first and Kat Von Dee because such great portraits and that she needed a tattoo. She then asked the girl with the fucked up tattoo, if her scratcher boyfriend could do one on her. I about lost my shit, but the kept it together long enough to say "I wonder why Kat Von Dee doesn't tattoo out of her kitchen, maybe it would look as good as her tattoo" Then I had to walk away.
  16. As soon as I posted this, my realtor called back and said their was an accepted offer already on house, but no to worry because they were only accepting cash offers so unless i had 149k laying around I was SOL anyway.
  17. I think I might have found a house, it's in my price range, has good schools and less than a block from the shop, so hopefully it's meant to be, I just need to get my wife convinced. It has been on the market for awhile, I just never looked at it because from the front it didn't look like much but once i went around back the back yard was huge and I could see how nice everthing was on the inside. If the worst thing I have to do is paint the outside and put in a gate I am in.
  18. A guy I know from way back came in today. He doesn't have any tattoos but always has questions for me about tattoos. He wanted some pricing info and I gave him a rough guess. He then asked me how much it would be every year when he came back in to get the color re-done. I have heard this myth before, but it been so long I forgot about it. I told him if you have to get the color re done every year, you are getting tattooed by the wrong guy. I told him worst case scenario if the tattoo healed hard you might need an initial touch up, but from then on he should be good. To be honest I don't think he got what I was saying to him and part of me thinks he is stuck on this idea of getting it recolored every year and somehow that will make it better and will probably get tattooed at the shop that told him that.
  19. Still a pretty cool project. Yeah it would be hard to gather data. You would have to take a sample of people and figure out the percentage, but depending on what city, what neighborhood, what time of day, and what you look like when you approach people, I would think there would be a lot of different conclusions.
  20. I think it depends on what type of tattoo they are expected to do from here out. If they keep picking styles that allow Shane to do black and grey or realistic work, I see him winning. Would love to see a Japanese Challenge.
  21. Am I reading this right that only 24% of the united states don't have a tattoo?
  22. If he was on the show, B tat might have lasted one more round.
  23. I have known a few people who have defaulted and re bought houses, and it seems to have worked out for them, but seems a little scary for me. Plus doesn't that screw your credit for 7 yrs. I guess it doesn't matter as long as you have your house and all goes well. The only thing that concerns me is once you sell a house , then you have to go find a new house and if all the prices of houses have went up do your really end u making any money or are you any closer to paying off your house? Probably the guy putting the most pressure on me to buy a house, just found out a house he has been paying on for 10 years and put a lot of money fixing isn't worth a penny more than he bought it for. Both scenarios are pretty lame to me, but on the other hand rent is getting expensive and there just aren't that many places in the areas I want to live in up for rent. When buying becomes more affordable than renting seems like the optimal time to get in on this and that point is almost there.. I just want an affordable house that I can put a little money into from time to time and just live there for the next 40 years.
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