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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. Got this Panther of No Man's Land today, by Ashley Howell, Acme Tattoo, Portland Oregon, Good times.
  2. I bought everyone of my pendletons on ebay for like $20 each. Funny thing is most of the sellers are from here in Portland or southwest Washington. I go look at the new stuff, just can't bring myself to spend that kind of money.
  3. Update I used a couple of them to cook Bratwurst in and then last night drank the last two so I didn't have to break into my beer cellar (it's actually just a shed that I put the beer that wont fit in the fridge). Plus most of my night was sponsored by George Dickel. My loan officer drives me to drink more than normal.
  4. Why would we even try? I will let this guy and his tattooer figure it out and let this thread die.
  5. Getting a bunch of advice on the internet makes the tattooers job that much harder. I am not going to judge your idea, but the whole thing doesn't make sense to me, you want traditional, but you want thin lines? Plus you don't seem to reject most ideas for a traditional tattoo. You want the word Rejoice, but not to be related to any religious imagery? It's really hard to truly convey your idea on the internet and that's probably why tattooers make you come in for consultations. Good luck.
  6. Ultimately your should consult your tattoo artist about questions regarding healing a tattoo. Each person seems to have a slightly different method and philosophy about healing and they are the ones who have to do the touch ups if your tattoo doesn't heal right. That being said, I would not recommend covering the tattoo once you remove the initial bandage. Work out like normal just wash it with hot soapy water afterwards.
  7. @Anisya Sailor Jerry is dead so he probably won't care if you use his stuff, but you can buy a lot of it through Hardymarks if you must and you will be supporting the people that carried on his shop and legacy after his death. If you think about a 50 page book is going to have at least 100 designs and usually more like 200-300 designs. So even if you pay $100 you are paying less than $1 per design. You probably won't find rates like that trying to shop ala carte. But really none of that is necessary just to get a tattoo. For one if you are getting tattooed by Richie Clarke he is more than able to create you a traditional tattoo design as good as any flash out there. Most tattooers also have flash books in their reference library, so you might spend all this time trying to acquire something you didn't even need to.
  8. I am just happy the Yelp people have stopped calling trying to sell advertising to us. Good shops, bad shops and mediocre shops all have good reviews on yelp. There is no way to tell how to get a good tattoo from a yelp review. Even if a shop has bad reviews, if they advertise on yelp,those reviews get filtered out. I don't hate yelp, I just think it's useless for tattoo shops, I do sometimes find myself on the site to get addresses and phone numbers to places that don't have their own websites.
  9. I haven't heard of anyone around here doing specials, last time there were a few but no one I really cared to get tattooed by. I asked my boss about doing specials and he said "Sure, Here's the special. Pick any tattoo off the wall and add $13 to the regular price. It's Friday the 13th not national discount tattoo day." That being said, last friday the 13th hearing about all the people lined up outside of Three Kings in New York and the fact you could get tattooed by Stell at True Tattoo sounded amazing.
  10. The Jesus is pretty classic, but what stands out about this photo to me is the lettering on her forearms outlined in red. In the close up pic you can read it, pan out a bit and it looks like she has some sort of rash. especially on her inner forearm.
  11. It's just fucked plain and simple. I don't understand it either. It's the same format as Inkmasters but like a thousand times more annoying. I don't know any of the contestants personally, so the tone may have a lot to do with the way it is produced and the target demographic. I tried to buy into the theory that there are better tattooers on this show but I haven't seen anything I would be that stoked to wear thus far. The only good part is that it is on demand and i can fast forward through commercials and dialogue and just get to the tattoos.
  12. Kids are the worst for getting sick. They touch everyone and everything and they aren't as concerned with washing hands. I love my little guy and don't care if he get's me sick (the rest of those booger eaters is another story) , but it's pretty gross.
  13. I can only speculate but I would say that getting a bunch of tattoos in a short period of time makes me tired and seemingly more susceptible to catching any virus that goes around. On the flip side working at a tattoo for an extended period of time and being exposed to whatever anyone has that walks in the door, I think helps my immune system. It's not that I never get sick, but I can't remember the last time I wasn't able to get out of bed and go to work and run errands with a cold. Obviously there are far more variables in this equation most pertaining to lifestyle and heredity but that is just my observation.
  14. Recently some young guy came in with a brown pride tattoo and needed it covered up for Army. Whoever he spoke to at the Army told him he couldn't get a big tattoo, he had to try to cover it with two smaller tattoos. It turned out okay he has a panther covering one word and an eagle covering the other. The only thing that looks odd to me is having the tattoos right next to each other. If you choose to only get 2 tattoos, usually you don't cram them in one spot. Would have been nice to do just a big panther. Getting a Chris Trevino tattoo sounds like a much better idea than joining the Navy.
  15. Good Points. Celebrity host is just so viewers have a familiar face, since most people without tattoos don't follow careers of tattooers. I guess as far as judging I guess it just depends on the person. Even people that get tattooed by good people don't necessarily know anything about tattooing, some people just get lucky or are famous enough to fall into the right shop. Personally I think they would be better off bringing back Tattoo Wars. It was a more even playing field and seemed to attract better tattooers and it's always in the particular tattooers style so it sets the clients up to get better work. Either that or make a show called Scratchers and use the theme music from COPS.
  16. I really enjoy Anchor's Winter Ale, different every year but always appropriate for the season.
  17. Also It's hard to look scary when you are hosting a show on the Oxygen network.
  18. I caught the first episode of Best Ink as well and yeah it's the same show. I don't know about better artists , but I didn't see anyone of B tat or Al Fliction caliber so to some degree I would agree. Who is that girl that hosts that show,with the horrible lettering tattoo on her shoulder?
  19. He brings up a good point about signing up to get a tattoo for an "inkmaster" and ending up with someone like B Tat tattooing you, but on the flip side people too cheap to pay for a good tattoo get what they deserve. Sounds like his assessment of how the show would work out was pretty spot on and to not get paid for that wouldn't make any sense. I still think there is such a thing as a well rounded tattooer, but not sure a show is the place to prove that, but I actually like the idea seeing guys that have weird realistic styles that I would never get tattooed on me do stuff that looks more like what I would prefer in a tattoo.
  20. It wouldn't bother me if a charity organization asked me to leave. I got plenty of better things I could be doing like getting more tattoos and drinking beer. I can understand being a little surprised to be asked to leave, but being upset and distraught just seems silly. If they are in a position to turn away volunteers, they obviously must be doing pretty well for themselves and don't really need help. There are plenty of organizations who don't have time to worry about volunteers appearance. I make it easy when I volunteer, I usually just donate goods and services or write a check so no one has to even see me, I am not rich, but time is the one resource I seem to have the least amount of free these days.
  21. I don't know if I think these shows are "good for tattooing", but I can only imagine how bad they would be without guys like Hendricks and Peck. Would it be better to have people who are "the problem with tattooing" be the only representation of it to the public. I don't really expect too much from anything that airs on cable television before ultimate fight night and after some storage locker show.
  22. Oliver does make a point about Navarro. I mean for example Joe Rogan getting a sleeve by one guy is essentially getting one tattoo. Basically your scope of knowledge about tattooing would be limited to the one shop and one tattooer who tattooed you. Even if Navarro's tattoo design choices aren't in line with what I would get, spending 20 years getting tattooed by guys like Roberts, Negrete, and Mahoney among others makes a solid case for being a non tattooer judge. But if the question was who do you want to do smoke a bowl with and hit the Vegas strip with, I would say Rogan wins that one every time.
  23. someone wrote a letter to sears and got this response. (wasn't me)
  24. Oskar Blues has a good thing going for sure. I enjoy Dogfish Head Beers too especially their IPA and Burton Baton. Living in the land of IPA for me it doesn't get much better than going to a small local brewery and getting a fresh hop ale. I may be biased but Portland is killing it when it comes to hoppy beer. Went to one of my favorites last night | Hopworks Urban Brewery - Organic Beer
  25. It can be done, obviously it's not easy and their is a good chance their will be some spots that need to get touched up. The palm is the one spot where we actually don't do a free touch up on, but that is just our policy. Once it's healed it will look like you have had the tattoo for awhile for sure, it's not like a tattoo on your arm. There is a thread on this topic and you will find some examples of what a palm tattoo might age like. I don't know any tattooers in Missouri that I can think of, If you were in Portland I know a few guys that have experience doing palm tattoos and are willing to do them. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-designs/620-palm-tattoos.html
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