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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. You should tell him that you are waiting to send the $500 because the prince of Nigeria emailed me today and needs your help and he is prepared to release 4,000,000 US dollars and all you had to send him was $3000, but you figured we have time because you have a year to claim the lottery and the check should be coming next week. Talk about good things coming in 3's!
  2. I would suspect the $500/ hour is kind of like Grime's 3 year waiting list, but whatever. I am a little bummed I just put 38,000 down on a house and am putting in central air next month and so I have no money or time to go to LA. But in all fairness I would rather pay $500 and get tattooed next month then wait for 3 years to get tattooed and pay whatever, but again it all depends on how bad you want to get tattooed by someone. Grime is amazing, but Chris Conn has worked with most of the people around me and helped a lot of them get where they are today and i hear so many stories of things in and out of the tattoo shop, even if he sucked at tattooing I would still want to meet him and get tattooed by him.
  3. That seems like a loaded question. Names that pop into my head are Mike Schweigert, Murray Sell, Bailey Hunter Robinson, Ron Henry Wells, Chad Koeplinger, Bart Bingham, but there are way too many to list. Of course there is also the issue of what one person considers traditional.
  4. I don't like the look of having magazines in the lobby of any kind and certainly no television. Sure we all like naked ladies and that is why we paint sheets of them and hang them on the wall. I want people to come in and get tattooed not look at the latest issue of some shitty magazine or to watch cable. I would agree with the attitude of doing whatever you want in your shop, after all it is a tattoo shop. Just because some soccer mom comes in with her kid to get some tattoo doesn't' mean i won't drop f bombs or change the subject of my conversation. There is beer in the fridge and the music is always loud deal with it.
  5. I can only speculate, but I would imagine the last thing he would want to do is be booked out of the year right away. Charging $500 bucks an hour, narrows it down to people who are really serious about it and see what an opportunity it is. Also charging more could allow him to not take as many appointments at first and get back into it at his own pace. I can totally understand a person thinking $500 is too much, but coming up with the extra $200 bucks an hour seems like a simple obstacle considering before this announcement he was done tattooing forever.
  6. I think there are some Hustlers or Penthouse in our reference library behind the counter (not sure who's they are? maybe collecters items?), but we don't have any magazines out for people to look at or any bought flash, everything on the walls was painted inside the four walls of the shop. Of course we have a bunch of tattoo books in the back along with tattoo artist magazines and if someone brings a gun or tattoo magazine in we might all look at it, and yes I would agree many tattoo magazines might as well be porn, but they take it with them when they leave or it gets recycled.
  7. I don't see anything wrong with getting a butterfly, in fact I have been looking at some designs to get. I probably won't get it in pink but what is the difference really. I know Nick Colella has a butterfly tattoo right on his neck and he pulls it off pretty well.
  8. He should hide golden tickets in candy bars like Willy Wonka. I am really excited about this news, for one that his health is doing good and two that I might actually be able to have the experience to be tattooed by Conn. I almost thought I was dreaming last night as I checked my facebook before bed and heard this news.
  9. By Mike Volakakis
  10. Some people might take offense at this tattoo done by Ashley Howell on my friend and co worker Derek. (rest of front and arms by Ross Ferrie).
  11. Got this at the Oregon Ink Convention this week by Mike Volkakis @ Artwork Rebels Portland. I have always loved this Sailor Jerry Design and Mike is a hell of a tattooer and cool guy to hang around. Big thank to @hawk , who owns the first shop Mike tattooed in.
  12. Forgot about this tattoo I got a week and a half ago from my friend Josiah at Imperial Tattoo here in Portland. Almost healed, shitty photo, but really shitty spot to photo as well.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8zO_DV09QE
  14. One of the main reasons I love Chicago Tattoo Company they are always available for walk ins and even if you book an appointment a week or two seems to be plenty of notice. To each their own, but yeah waiting for 6 months to get tattooed does not sound like fun at all, although I really want to get tattooed by Freddy Corbin and Dan Gilsdorf and I will probably have to wait at least two months for both of them unless I can manage to catch Dan with some free time on his monthly trip back to Portland.
  15. A little over a week away, should be a good time. The shop painted a big sheet , it has a little something for everyone, you can get a tattoo off the sheet for $100. There will be some other sheets painted for the convention with higher price points for people interested in bigger stuff. Hopefully I will have some time to get tattooed while I am there either by Artwork Rebels or Rose City Steel booth (Seth's supply company).
  16. @steve1461686340 not necessarily a way to make it better, but I notice than when I click on the link to go straight to the review page, it does not give me the option to sign in using facebook, I have to click on the home or forum page for that tab to appear. It's not a big deal, but if a person's first exposure to the site is this page, I would imagine you would want an easy way for them to sign up a be part of the community. Not seeing that option is available might lead someone to think they have to sign up for an account before posting and discourage them from taking time to write a review.
  17. Instead of getting the whole verse just get the book and chapter. (ex Psalm 66:9) No one is going to read it anyway so it will be "for you" so you might as well get something that can be a nice tattoo rather than have a bunch of words scribbled on your arm.
  18. Sounds great. This will create a database of the best tattoo shops worldwide and give real feedback from actual customers and not be cluttered up with uninformed rants by people too cheap to pay for tattoos so they feel the need to bad mouth a shop.
  19. I think it really depends on how dark your skin is really. Quality of artist and pigment used is going to affect the tattoo regardless, but ultimately the tattoo is viewed through the first few layers of your skin. The more me melanin in your skin the harder it will be able to see certain colors and the more it affects how those colors look. Even being light brown this affects how color tattoos look on my skin. I know there is a thread somewhere about shops to go in Toronto, because at the end of the the tattooer is going to be the one to make the final call about what is feasible and what they feel comfortable doing. From what I understand TCB tattoo is a good shop but not that familiar with the city.
  20. My friend own's a chain of coffee drive thru's in Oregon Washington and So Cal. Him and one of the guys who bought a franchise came in and got these.
  21. Am I the only one who noticed the part where you talk about being in a female fighting league or did everyone else already know. That sounds amazing.
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