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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. I would just point out if people just got tattoos that look like tattoos we wouldn't be having this discussion. Photo Realism (Shakes Head).
  2. Maybe that will result in Tim Beck doing a guest spot at CTC soon after, one can only hope.
  3. Good Point. Smith Street tattoos have a look to them, but yeah each guy does their own thing.
  4. I would do the rounds, see what you like. Three Kings, NY Adorned, Invisible, Thicker Than Water, Saved, Bound For Glory, probably forgetting a ton of shops. Getting the chance to go into a bunch of really good shops and check out portfolios is part of the collecting experience, plus you will see who is really into your idea and a chance to explain exactly what you mean and get instant feedback on how your idea will translate.
  5. Your kids are always going to be your kids, even your step daughter really. I got my first son's name tattooed on my arm, about a year later me and his mom went our separate ways and found out during custody hearing that I wasn't the father. Long story short I still have the tattoo, in fact I am glad I have it because I don't see him that much and it helps me not forget him as a baby. I got the skull below while my son was in the womb (I used to joke that it was a portrait of him in the womb.) and added his name after he was born. I haven't got my wife's name but I do have a cookie cutter heart with keyhole and she has a skeleton key.
  6. Update, so two days before party the girl planning this decides she just wants to go to our shop and have the tattoos done. Was no big deal, I wasn't there as I was watching my son so my wife could participate.
  7. The first one of these traditional dog portraits I saw was done by Chris Conn on my boss back in mid 90's. I started seeing more of them in the last year and I agree I think they are way cool and perfect for something like a picture of your dog. You can have a little more fun with them as well, capture some of their personality.
  8. That is one of the worst color portraits I have ever seen in my life. Below i posted a link to Virginia Elwood's facebook page. Not only does she do good black and grey portraits, but she has some good examples of what I was suggesting as a more traditional take on a portrait using color. I know you are not going to go to New York, but I mean this is what good tattooing looks like, I hate to say it, but that shop you posted has more bad stuff than good, although there is some good, just trying to steer you in the right direction. Virginia Elwood's Photos | Facebook
  9. I would make sure and look at the whole portfolio, this could be the best tattoo this person has ever done, then again it could be one of their weaker offerings, one tattoo is not enough to judge. Second have you considered doing a color tattoo, not neccesarily realistic portrait style, but a bolder more traditional take on a portrait. It just seems like it would be cool to show off the shiny gold fur. Plus one thing I think this tattoo you posted is not bad it just doesn't really wow me. It looks solid for sure, just not my style. Lettering that dips up and down in a banner I have never been a fan of, it just doesn't look right, it should all be one height, otherwise the banner ends up being way too wide like in this case or you break the banner the tops of letters, but I know some people don't feel the same way. Super fancy script double line drop shadow no banner would be the way to go IMO. As far as Australia, I know you said you live in Sydney, but Melbourne seems to be quite the hot spot for tattooing right now, I know it's probably still a trek, but not as far. I know Jed Hill is an amazing surly old time tattooer that can do any style and his is in Ballarat, Victoria. But to be truthful that is the extent of my knowledge, but I have a feeling there are some good tattooers in Sydney it's just a matter of finding them.
  10. Historic Tattoo Society (Clae Welch's shop) Sept 11-16. I am assuming it's because Jesse Bob who works there now used to work with Eric at Taos Tattoo. - - - Updated - - - Dave Lum does one tattoo a day the four days a week he works. He basically just tattoos the tattooers here in Portland. It's about a 45 min drive to his shop. He was going to give it up at the end of the year but realized he would be bored and have nothing to do so for now he will continue.
  11. It just seems to be in the air. Personally I feel like there are so many oppurtunites to get tattooed by people I have been wanting to get work done by. I just wish I had a little more disposable income. After my SF trip in a couple weeks, Erik Inksmith is doing a guest spot here in town and I would really like to get tattooed by him and I need to get a Dave Lum tattoo while I still can. Matt Arriola is on the backburner for a minute, but as soon as I build up a cushion again he is at the top of the list.
  12. That's what I meant his shop collectively not just him. Frank William is really cool, talked with him for awhile my wife was getting tattooed by Mario Desa.
  13. I can't imagine there are that many people to get tattooed by other than him in his neck of the woods. I know a year ago he did a guest spot at CTC and had some availability. Oh well maybe I will just buy his flash book he posted yesterday.
  14. I have wanted to get tattooed by him, but never have time to venture out of Chicago when I am there. If I ever do I will ask him.
  15. A little off topic, but if I had a dollar for every woman getting her first tattoo that told me that nothing could be as worse as giving birth to a child, well I would at least enough money to get drunk. I find it funny they would equate it with such an intense experience and usually let them know that it won't probably hurt that bad, unless you were on drugs, but either way it will be much cheaper in the long run and the tattoo will be relatively low matienence compared to children. I have dealt with a few people like your friend and it really sucks. I am not sure how people psych themselves out about such a little thing. A good friend of mine says that people who can't handle tattoos probably have just never had to deal with any level of pain up to this point so they have no coping mechanism. I have seen him lay down the law to people and just tell them they need to be still in order for him to do his job and the more they move, the longer it will take. I watched that guy come in the next time and sit as still as a rock getting his collar bone and center of chest tattooed for 2 hours. In his case it was all mental, and he just needed a reality check.
  16. That seems like a lot of people to keep track of and certainly too many to bring into a tattoo shop on one day. The Brady Bunch only had 8 people and I can't imagine them trying to decide on a tattoo. I would just let everyone do their own thing, make it something everyone needs to do before a scheduled meet up. The designs will be different but the same in a lot of ways and it will be interesting to see everyone's styles.
  17. David Flores


    Such a bad week for me, crazy busy at my jobs and when not at work have to watch my son, but maybe we can grab a beer or something. What part of town are you staying?
  18. I try to think what I would do in that situation, but it really is irrelevant because the kid is not even a kid he's 21 and I like tattoos and wouldn't have a leg to stand on even if I didn't feel that way. I guess I could look at if my son got a face piercing, but the only thing i would probably say is why didn't you get a tattoo and inform him that piercing is to tattooing as rollerblading is to skateboarding, just to give him a hard time. Then I would remember he was 21 and suggest we go get a beer.
  19. Most stories of a mom's displeasure with a tattoo that I have heard usually include a bunch of yelling and a slap upside the head and then we move on. The new passive aggressive mom internalizes everything, and uses her blog as her outlet before she plays the I brought you into this world card. Who knows if this story is real, but hanging out at the playground it sounds about right for how some parents would treat their 21 year old.
  20. Yeah not only content, but grammar as well. Redundant run on sentences and false logic.
  21. I would be more likely to ask when this trend of excessive lettering is going to end. For every traditional tattoo there are ten people who come in and get script lettering people just don't post it because it's not as exciting.
  22. Exactly, plus you know someone is going to chicken out or claim they don't have the money or something. But the idea of a family themed tattoo could be cool as long as it's not just a bunch of lettering. @slayer9019 I would keep an open mind but just remember what you have learned and don't get talked into a bad idea.
  23. Before I had my son I remember me and my wife (girlfriend at the time) devoting whole days to getting tattooed. Back then we had time for all of our hobbies, now we kind of have to prioritize what things we want to pursue. I haven't brewed nearly as much beer since he was born and I don't experiment cooking as much, but I still get tattooed pretty regularly, because i spend so much time in a tattoo shop it's kind of inevitable. She would rather do home decorating stuff and glass art in her free time. It's also hard because my wife has never spent time in a shop other than being a customer so our views about tattooing and tattoo shops can differ at times. She gets it as much as she can I think for not having the same experience as me.
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