Haha I completely agree , When they yank up my sleeve I just turn at them with a "you stepped in the lions den" face LOL. I cannot fucking stand it when people invade my person space like that , but exactly if they have questions or just interested in what I have by all means ask away! dont just yank and act like you're entitled to view something that's partially in sight. I've brought that up to someone before like , Sir could you please not just come up and yank up my sleeve I have no idea who you are, His response; Oh no its ok man I have tattoos too." like huh? did I ask, does having tattoos give you a permission slip to caress strangers LOL
Omg they'd be lucky to get off with a hook if they went up my leg LOL mate be eating through a straw, and yea I've noticed a certain "better then you -esque " with some tattooed folks but it's rare for me , Idk if they've just gotten fed up with a million questions which idk how you could I love talking about tattoos and my reasons behind my sleeve ,etc. Or some just have a plain 'ol rotten attitude XD