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Cameron Jose

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Everything posted by Cameron Jose

  1. Scored a walkin and got my knees framed by Jay Watkins at Spider Murphy's. Stole the photo from his Instagram
  2. Adam Hathorn (aka Honkey Kong) does really cool work and just opened a new shop Big Trouble Tattoo. I got tattooed by him last year and it was a really fun time. Haven't been tattooed by him yet, but I really like Rob Benavides' work out of Flying Panther. I've heard great things about the shop, too
  3. Got this frog on Sunday from Jay Watkins at Spider Murphys. I won my work's fantasy football league this year so I figured putting the pot towards a relevant tattoo would be fun. Super stoked on how this one turned out, Jay's great and always fun to talk to:
  4. Thanks, Theo does the best demons out there. Really cool guy, too
  5. Got some fun ones over the last 6 months or so: Finished up my rib piece with Theo at Spider Murphy's: Scored a walk in with Chris Wielk at Ocean Ave Tattoo: Another walk in with Cody Miller at Blackheart: And got this scropion from Alex Matus when she was guesting at Idle Hand back in September: Took all the images from the respective artists' Instagram page. Have an appointment with Jay Watkins at Spider Murphy's tomorrow, so I'll post that one soon too
  6. Got one from Adam Hathorn (aka Honkey Kong) yesterday at Guru Tattoo in San Diego. First time getting tattooed in my hometown, Adam made it a really memorable session. The dude is full of stories and a super interesting guy, I'd recommend anybody in So Cal to go check him out if they get the chance
  7. Yea, Spider Murphy's is great! Of all the great shops in the Bay that I've been tattooed at, I think Spider Murphy's is easily the spot where I've had the greatest experiences
  8. Just got this reimagining of a Rock of Ages by Aaron Hodges at Spider Murphy's. Stolen from his instagram:
  9. It was great getting to meet both of them. Both really cool dudes - - - Updated - - - It was great getting to meet both of them. Both really cool dudes
  10. Gotten a few fun ones over the last six months or so: Steve Byrne at Temple before the Bay Area Convention of the Arts: Healed Robert Ryan at the Convention: Crappy healed photo: - - - Updated - - - Got a couple from Miguel Montgomery aka Uzi to start the year Healed - - - Updated - - - And most recent is a little one shot by Alex Petty based off of some old Milton Zeis flash Flash Piece (still healing)
  11. Got the itch this weekend and scored a walk-in with Gus Martinez at Ocean Ave Tattoo. I really dig his pin-ups, they're very Nagel-esque:
  12. Laurent did a ship in a teacup on my calf! Really nice guy too
  13. I can also attest to the LLLBooks' quality. They're coming out with the Girl Book at SFO Hyatt Convention in October, which should be pretty killer as well
  14. I bet that will be killer. Can't go wrong with animal/lady heads/skulls coming out of roses. I have a tiger/rose mash up on my left bicep that I love
  15. His work is so fresh and clean. Really cool dude too, always a great experience at Spider Murphy's. Who's doing your next piece?
  16. Girl head and rose from Paul Dobleman:
  17. Got this little one a couple weeks ago from Paul Dobleman at Spider Murphy's:
  18. Lol. Really hoping to get a tiger from Lehi on my ribs at some point.
  19. Paul does awesome work! I just got a girl head from him this weekend. I would email or call the shop to work out details and set something up. When I scheduled my appointment he was booked out 2-3 months, so you'd have some time to work everything out with him and travel wise.
  20. Got a consult booked with Theo Mindell for demon head+girl head rib panel in July and just booked in with Steve Byrne for the SFO Hyatt Convention in October. The coming months are going to be fun.
  21. Made the trip up to Davis to see George Hernandez and came away with this fun one: [/img]
  22. LM Knight's the fricken man. Would love to get tattooed by that guy. - - - Updated - - - Posted this one in another thread, but here's mine by Jay Watkins: [/img] And some other's he's done: https://instagram.com/p/z4CDJrDIIF/?taken-by=jay_blkmgc https://instagram.com/p/zi_V1njINt/?taken-by=jay_blkmgc https://instagram.com/p/zTYmptjILw/?taken-by=jay_blkmgc
  23. For one session pieces, I just ask for the hourly shop rate and then figure "eh, this piece should take 2-3 ish hours" and go from there. Almost always overestimate and bring too much, but I figure that's better than having to run to the ATM post session. Any bigger piece I get a more concrete range from the artist.
  24. Thanks! It's one of my favorites. Jay's done a few of those little frogs partying and smoking too, so fun. He was telling me he's working on a painting with one as a one man band w/ a harmonica and drum set, I'm super stoked to see it when he finishes it.
  25. Hannya with a dragon wrapped around it by George Hernandez. Video in the IG link. https://instagram.com/p/sqwdo2vMab/
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