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    thyes reacted to Dan in Coverup for my coverup :(   
    welcome,I don't think that flower coverup is so bad,it's kind of a pretty cool tattoo IMO.
    maybe you could just have it added to.expand on that theme.
  2. Like
    thyes got a reaction from jaimilyn in What are tattoo appointment essentials?   
    Thank you for a good reply! Yeah I have been trawling quite a bit, that's for sure :P But then again I have a rather big tattoo on my back that I am not happy with. And that feeling sucks. I'm gonna get it fixed some time, so it's not the end of the world, but I guess I just want to make sure this time around. 
    Oh yeah, rest assured pictures will be posted!
  3. Like
    thyes got a reaction from Devious6 in What are tattoo appointment essentials?   
    Thank you for a good reply! Yeah I have been trawling quite a bit, that's for sure :P But then again I have a rather big tattoo on my back that I am not happy with. And that feeling sucks. I'm gonna get it fixed some time, so it's not the end of the world, but I guess I just want to make sure this time around. 
    Oh yeah, rest assured pictures will be posted!
  4. Like
    thyes reacted to jaimilyn in What are tattoo appointment essentials?   
    Both my tattoos were designed from source material I provided my artist. The first one I commissioned was to an artist who had a three month waiting period, it was February and I made my appointment for the end of May. I sent her a PDF at the end of Feb that I'd created with all my reference material and detailed text description of me, my history, and how it all related to the end design I was hoping for. Poor girl, it was seven pages long.

    Beginning of March I was sick of waiting and just wanted to get a tattoo, and pulled another idea out of my idea pile (folders on my phone and flickr and Instagram where I save anything I like that I run across) and called another local studio that I knew had all quality artists to see if anyone had any openings in the next few days. Turns out someone did, and I emailed over a few reference pictures - front desk guy did a quick consult with me on the phone and ended up giving two pics to the artist - one that's the main image of the tattoo (eye of Horus overlaying an ankh) and a vague mandala-ish sort of thing that I was hoping he could work in somehow.

    Turns out, I love both the designs, and extremely pleased with both. A couple of weeks before the second appointment I did email my artist and let her know I'd gotten the first one, so she could adjust for placement if needed.

    So the moral of this is: for your artist less reference material is just fine, as long as you just want them to work up something original based on your elements (so maybe bring the portrait, the runes, an example of a rose you like, and be prepared to discuss if there's any layout or placement preferences). If it's an artist that you admire their body of work and trust them, it really is part of the fun of getting a tattoo to be happily surprised with what your artist comes up with.

    If you're like me though and can't help obsessively trawling the internet when you need reference material for literally anything (tattoo, hair color, hair cut, new car, furniture, shrubs...lol) if it makes you feel better to search, that's fine, just save it all to one location and limit yourself on the printouts you bring in. If you want more places to look, Google your elements with or without "tattoo" as a restriction. Remember your artist can be inspired from anything visual, not just tattoos.

    Good luck, be sure to post pics!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    thyes got a reaction from TrixieFaux in Vegan activist gets 40,000 tattoos   
    Did you see this? Pretty sick! Devotion personified, I'd say. 
  6. Like
    thyes reacted to Dan in Forearm tattoo on super skinny guy   
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    thyes reacted to Gingerninja in What can I do with this shit tattoo?   
    I'd LOVE to see your country! It just has to be in the summer, not the winter.
    Reach out to him, see what he says. Are you close to his shop to do a consult? A good consult would go a long way to answering your questions. He's super good.
  8. Like
    thyes got a reaction from Gingerninja in What can I do with this shit tattoo?   
    I took a closer look at Marius' Instagram, and yeah.. he may absolutely be a good pick! I'm wondering if there's a way to keep the skull and add something that would suit it nicely. 
    But like realistically, if I want a backpiece in black and grey I'd pretty much have to lazer the rays, right? If not it would have to be pretty damn dark in those areas..
    @Gingerninja Cool! If you have the time, you should pay the northern parts of Norway a visit - it's way nicer up here ;) I've never really liked our capital. Northern Norway has breathtaking nature, if you're interested in such that is. 
  9. Like
    thyes reacted to lape in What can I do with this shit tattoo?   
    Jimmy Duvall is pretty damned good at cover-up, but it's probably not what you're looking for.
    If I were you, I'd just pay Marius and have him do whatever he wants to do on my back and cover that little thing along the way. You simply cannot go wrong with anything from him. I've seen 5 year old hands that look like they were done yesterday.
  10. Like
    thyes reacted to Gingerninja in What can I do with this shit tattoo?   
    I want Marius to do something for me. He's not traveling right now but has invited me over to Norway. :) Ha! Like he needs to enable my tattoo and travel habits.
  11. Like
    thyes reacted to Gingerninja in What can I do with this shit tattoo?   
    Hey there and welcome!
    My two cents: I suggest that you find an artist to talk to about what you want. Depending upon what they say, you may or may not have to do the laser option.
    No matter what you do, you are going to have to go BIG. If you are a traditional guy, think Pharaoh's Horses, Rock of Ages....something big. If you are inclined to Japanese-style, you could do tiger-dragon Battle Royal or the like.
    Who knows, maybe one or two laser sessions would be all that you need to lighten it up? It does hurt. And's it's expensive but for the size of piece that you need for a cover-up, you may have to do it.
  12. Like
    thyes got a reaction from Gingerninja in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I'm getting my forearm done on august the 10th. Booked in may if I recall correct. 7 years since my last tat, and I am itching something fierce! Been thinking about getting a waiting-tattoo to kill the wait, haha..
  13. Like
    thyes got a reaction from gtrjunior in DEATH   
    Hehe no, I woulnd't go that far :P 
    @bongsau I'd get an upside down cross or a pentagram any day of the week rather than a traditional cross But hey, that's just my personal standing, I have nothing against what people decorate themselves with or believe - as long as they don't knock on my door and try to forcefeed their beliefs on me!
  14. Like
    thyes reacted to MrToast in Forearm tattoo on super skinny guy   
    Thanks, I have already had a consultation and am booked in for August

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Like
    thyes reacted to Dan in Tattoo the Month contest - Hiatus   
  16. Like
    thyes got a reaction from Alicia in Not loving new tattoo   
    I think your tattoo looks decent, maybe a little too much "empty space" between the flowers for my liking, but hey. I can understand that if you imagined realistic looking flowers this is a disappointment. 
    The first tattoo I got I'm not really that happy about. It's a skull with some sunrays around it on my back. It's kinda big, between my shoulderblades and stretching up and down a bit, so I'm not really sure about what do with it. Cover up is an option, lasering is also an option I guess. The rays are red and yellow, does colors pose a bigger challenge for lasers? 
  17. Like
    thyes reacted to Dan in Take The Pain?   
    forget the numbing cream ,get the tattoo,
    you already said it,especially being your first one,feel the pain,embrace it,earn it.
    make sure you follow a good pre-tattoo preparation. 
    here is what I do.
    sleep good and don't drink alcohol the night before (or the day of),
    pre-hydrate the day before and day of and while being tattooed,(water or Gatorade) 
    eat a good non greasy healthy meal right before getting tattooed,
    bring candy (I bring M&M's and Skittles) to eat during the tattoo(the sugar will keep you from passing out),I also bring a banana,beef jerky, and a few cold bottles of water in a little ice chest(no artist has ever minded me doing this,as a matter of fact they have liked it). 
    keeping up body sugars,potassium,and electrolytes will help to keep you feeling good throughout the process  , 
    get yourself mentally in a good place.in the days leading up to and during the tattoo.
    ask for a few 5 min breaks to stand up ,stretch,and get the kinks out.
    turn the ringer on your phone off
    this all helps me have a better overall tattoo experience,and the artist will appreciate it too
  18. Like
    thyes got a reaction from AtomicMagpye in Norse forearm tattoo   
    @AtomicMagpye Haha! Well yeah, not exactly but close! Skjegget i postkassen is more like if you mess up something. For instance, you book a holiday and then find out 2 months later that your boss wont let you go during that time. It literally translates "beard in the mailbox" - I don't even know why, it's a wierd saying :P
    @Dan: Do you mean the idea as a whole, or just this symbol I attached? Cause the most important thing for me is to get a really good looking portrait with some fillers around/underneath it. I was shifting a bit about starting clean on my right upper arm, but I'm also thinking I wanna continue on my left arm - I have a tattoo on my upper arm there already. Eventually maybe making it into a full sleeve. I also wanna get a tattoo that I can see easily (when using tshirts etc.) and actually share with others aswell. I have the one on my upper arm and one on my back, so for the time being I can easily go as an "ink virgin" even on sunny days :p
    Thanks for the replies guys! Maybe it's difficult to throw ideas out when I already kinda know what I want, but I guess I'm looking for other peoples experiences with forearm tats :)
  19. Like
    thyes reacted to AtomicMagpye in Norse forearm tattoo   
    'ello  - 
    Interesting conundrum - is "skægget i postkassen" correct for a tricky choice? Looks like great work there from that Danish tattoo lady - always difficult to comment on something that's such a personal thing.   Me - I would sleep on it and see what the old Gods present you with - 
    cheers - 
  20. Like
    thyes reacted to leggon in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    so I had this done yesterday. This time the pain was quite strong. My first tattoo was on the opposite side of this tattoo, but then the pain wasn't strong. Could it be because of lack of sleep? Because there were moments, when I tought that I will not handle this:D

  21. Like
    thyes reacted to HaydenRose in Long Term Tattoo care   
    I have a tattoo on my ribs that is about 5-6 years old. Whenever I go swimming, etc. in the summer I have always put 50+ SPF on it. It still looks like it did after it completely healed the first year, not even exaggerating. So yeah, moral of the story: use sunscreen... forever.
  22. Like
    thyes got a reaction from scottyg in What are tattoo appointment essentials?   
    Yeah according to the allmighty internet, anything between 10%-20% is considered standard :)
  23. Like
    thyes got a reaction from Devious6 in Hello guys! Including a question   
    Thought I'd drop an update here. 
    So last night I got the OK from my doctor, he didnt think the bleeding would be a problem, and told me I could pause the meds a couple days before just to be sure. So now I'm pretty damn happy! ? 
    I initially wanted to get a whole halfsleeve (damn that sounded stupid) on my lower arm in 2 days back to back, but I'm thinking I'll just go with the inner part of my arm first. Partly to save money, and partly because I imagine healing half a limb in one go can be a hassle with a physical job etc. 
  24. Like
    thyes got a reaction from Gingerninja in Hello guys! Including a question   
    Thought I'd drop an update here. 
    So last night I got the OK from my doctor, he didnt think the bleeding would be a problem, and told me I could pause the meds a couple days before just to be sure. So now I'm pretty damn happy! ? 
    I initially wanted to get a whole halfsleeve (damn that sounded stupid) on my lower arm in 2 days back to back, but I'm thinking I'll just go with the inner part of my arm first. Partly to save money, and partly because I imagine healing half a limb in one go can be a hassle with a physical job etc. 
  25. Like
    thyes got a reaction from SStu in Hello guys! Including a question   
    Hey guys and gals. I'm new to the forum, so apparantly this is the place to pop by and say hello before starting to post elsewhere. I'm a tattoo lover from Norway, I have 2 pieces so far, and in august I'm hopefully getting inked for the first time in seven (!) years. Which leads me to my question...
    Ok, so I have a condition called Samter's Triad, it's completely harmless although annoying, basicly it's asthma and nasal polyps. To treat this condition I take one 300 mg pill of Disprin each day. Disprin is an NSAID, and also works as a blood thinner. I heard recently that getting tattooed while taking blood thinners is a big no-no, which when you think about it makes sense due to the risk of extra bleeding . I was not on these meds when I got my other tattoos, but I dont remember bleeding much at all. Also when I get a cut or whatever nowadays, I dont think I bleed more than anyone else does. 
    I am really stressed out now, because I also heard that most artists will refuse to work on you if you tell them you use these types of meds. I called my doctor but he was busy and havent called back yet, I also think he has no clue when it comes to getting tattooed. I'm not really worried about bleeding, my main concern is that maybe the healing process will take longer - and worst case scenario: will it heal properly? The last thing I want is to go the rest of my life with a damaged tattoo. 
    I am getting this tattoo! Going off the meds is one option, but then I may have to spend one week in the hospital getting the treatment done again, and I dont really want that. 
    Help! Has anyone else been tattooed while being on blood thinners? I will be on these meds for the rest of my life, and I am NOT done getting inked. 
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