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Everything posted by Sick

  1. Hey, there's gonna be a convention in Sibiu soon. and one in Bucharest in October. Come by! Tattoo Artists 2015 - Transilvania Tattoo Expo
  2. UGH! here goes!! I'm thinking of a buffalo head or a white rhino head on my thigh -> something like that http://i.imgur.com/trLr6.jpg And I'd also want http://i.ytimg.com/vi/2z2PKwLPrC0/maxresdefault.jpg this guy and what a day! what a lovely day! written maybe comic-book style or smth around it. I'm not sure yet!! but I love the imagery of madness and pure bliss..i feel that this is life, you're enjoying every moment of this fast ride to death. Too morbid? I'd also want to write " i live. i die. i live again " somewhere although i'm not religious :)
  3. Can you tell?
  4. What do you do with Tegaderm that comes in smaller squares if you want to cover a bigger piece?
  5. Holy cow. I'm an idiot, forget to add a link ° jack matisse
  6. Hello, So there's a big convention in my country soon and I found this guy is coming. I want to get a thigh tattoo a pretty realistic rhino and I think he can do a very nice job. I really like his stuff but I am such a noob that I wouldn't be able to tell if he's good or not. What you guys think? http://www.apocalypsetattoo.com/jack-matisse Thanks a bunch!
  7. Why is that? I'm kind of working on my way up from small piece to bigger ones...am I doing it wrong? - - - Updated - - - Exactly! I wish to gain more insight into this but no idea how..hence this thread..
  8. A thread in which we can discuss where to put a certain tattoo and why it works or is better than other placement. I'm new to this and find this fascinating as I have no eye for tattoo placement and looking to get better at it. Thanks!
  9. What sites do you recommend?
  10. Makes a lot of sense. I'll sure try to go to that convention!
  11. Haha. this is beautiful, man! but it gives me great anxiety cause I have no feel for the flow of the body...where do you look at tattoos to get a better feel. most tattooes I see are close up photos and really don't seem to matter where they are, just the actual design..
  12. Actually great answer! I see that you mention placement. Is there such this as a "bad" placement for a tattoo? I was under the impression that it doesn't matter all that much. I'll follow your advice and see what's what :)
  13. UGH. I really don't lknow what to say, how can I ask for bad tattooes? And also I don't really understand what photo-real means. Can you give me an example what of Biex you didn't like? Just to understand what I'm looking for.
  14. Hello, After reading a lot around here I noticed that knowledgeable people are all about choosing the right artist for their pieces, or even choosing an artist they like and going for something new with that artist because they trust him. I'd like your help in deciding what artist would be good for me. I'll show you m short-list of romanian tattoo artists and maybe you cna tel me what you think, who do you think is good and who isn't :) I hope this will be fun for everyone and maybe even be a nice surprise to discover some interesting artists from Romania and not only helpful for me! Thanks! For now, I'd want to get a lion head [ or maybe even a body or a paw ... ] b&g but i wouldn't say no to a bit of colour [ maybe around the eyes or the mane. Here are the artist I researched and shortlisted so far, all from Romania. The guys at RadicalInk seem to do a very good job. I especially like Andrei Chirita. My favorite right now is Biex I also think Shu Dorin and Volken are good too. My last two options are : Adda and she will come to a convention in Romania soon: Tattoo Artists 2015 - Transilvania Tattoo Expo There might also be interesting to choose someone from here but I don't know any of these guys. And lastly: Razvan Grecu I know this is a lot of links but I hope we'll all find something interesting to talk about and help me go with someone professional that will make me a great tattoo for ages :) All these guys and gals looks great to me, but being such a noob I really can't tell quality from illusion of quality! Thanks a lot.
  15. or lion. That could work too
  16. What do you guys think of a somewhat realistic tattoo of this beautiful animal? Imgur
  17. Wow. Where can I watch FST? sounds great!
  18. I wish you would have started with " boobs " so I could say you had me at "boobs" As it is, you had me at funny reply :) Tattoo with impunity and feel great in your skin..that's what makes you hot and sexy...and boobs obv
  19. For me it;s a mystery why girls are worried about getting tattooes...girls are beautiful, with more tattooes they can only be...more beautiful?!
  20. Hello everyone! I just joined LST and wanted to say hey. I've become kind of obsessed with tattoes and want to learn as much as possible about it and especially about interesting tattoo artists. I didn't realize how important a good tattoo artist is so my first tattoo was a rather small and maybe generic geometric figure...which I have a half a mind to cover up sometimes in the future. For now, I want to have a really badass lion on my side and towards the pecs a bit. I live in Romania and really suggesting a guy from OSLO is most likely unaffordable for me but i hope you guys can give me a few advice how to go around looking for someone good within my price rage :) Thaks for reading and happy to be here!
  21. Wow guys. I haven't seen one post of " i'm going to get a cat on me tomorrow!" only names, no mention of the actual tattooes! I must have been doing it wrong :) How do you find an artist you like so much? I'm looking to discover more tattoo artist in Europe but expect from some namedropping in threads like this, I have no clue how :)
  22. I am not a control freak and I totally agree with you. But why I said this whole thread is surprising for me...I've seen some AMAZING tattoos done by a guy in my country and I said that's amazing gave him a call, told me he doesn't draw anything he just tattooes off the internet. and this is one of the best guys! What can I do? Very hard to find someone who actually draws the tattoo here in Romania. But i'll keep trying and thanks a lot for the insight, very appreciated!
  23. Hello, I have read this thread with great interest because i honestly didn't think this was a thing...so here's my noob take on it. Maybe someone can answer some of my questions. I often lurk on instagram, tattoo blogs etc and see a lot of nice tattooes that i'd want on myself. I want exactly that tattoo not an imitation but according to this thread - tough luck!. i should not want the same tattoo because it's ...unoriginal? A tattoo artist should not want to tattoo it because...it's stealing? Of course, in real life, I could probably find a good tattoo artist to tattoo that design i've seen on someone's instagram but i should ...feel ashamed of myself? because someone else has this too and i didn't come up with it? In a way, i guess it makes sense but we're 7billion people if 2 people have the same tattoo does it really matter? Let's say I adhere to this rule, what am I to do when I see something I really really like? Go to a tattoo artist and ask for something *like* that and get something *almost* as beautiful and be happy with that? What is an artist to do when I come with a design I've found online? refuse me? tweak it so he won't feel like fraud? I'll give you an example of something i'd want tattoo on me but sincerily after reading this thread i have a dilemma. https://instagram.com/p/n30fjeLkxI/?taken-by=yaninaviland So in this situation I even know the artist - oftentimes this is not the case - but what can I do now? Get this one and feel guilty/unoriginal/a cheap copy for it? Tweak it and feel dissatisfied with the result? Call the artist? I can't go to russia to meet her. In fact, I can't go to basically any country just for a tattoo so unless she comes to my town - very unlikely - i'm at a loss. So these are my thoughts, while I understand your rules and code of conduct when it comes to other people's designs and tattoo I'm also curious what do you think someone in my position - i'm sure there are a lot of people in my position - do? Thanks!
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