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Everything posted by GlaryMilberg

  1. Went to Smith Street about two months ago and had the opportunity to grab this NYC rat from Bert. It's above my ankle. Pretty thrilled.
  2. @Gingerninja out of control! 10/10 past two tattoo posts :)
  3. How great, my parents names are Michael and Debbie (different spelling). I might need to prank them.
  4. Jeez, that arm is going to look awesome @Baboom @ItsNewport So good! Does anyone know if Marius travels to the U.S.?
  5. I opted for the elephant style dragon mouth because I thought it looked powerful. I asked Horitomo the difference and he said that the elephant style mouth is just older and less preferred now. I could be wrong, we aren't the best with understanding each other.
  6. Great thread! My first tattoo was a Chicago Bears logo on my butt, in 2007. At the time I wasn't into the Bears or tattoo's, but I was watching the game with some friends and for no good reason exclaimed "if they win at this point, I'll get their logo tattooed on me". My friend made me shake on it. Sure enough, some last minute miracles happened and they won. The first shop denied me. I didn't get another tattoo for another 6 years. Horitomo is in the process of covering the tattoo.
  7. Thanks Sophistre, it's great beyond my imagination. Makes me wish I had Henning suit me up and call it a day.
  8. Is Richard Pinch from Scotland? I believe that I met him at the bay convention. The work on him from Filip was incredible to see in person.
  9. I was definitely unable to contain myself the last two months. -Dan Sinnes scribbled on this locust yokai at Temple. I'm so pumped on how it came together. He posted a photo of the draw on for hilarity. -Valerie Vargas did the Oni/Gorilla fight on my arm at the Bay convention. I liked the idea of the eastern/western imagery clashing. My right arm is all american traditional patchwork and my left is semi-american traditional style patchwork with Japanese imagery. This has already healed ridiculously well. Henning did the namakubi at the Bay convention. I had been waiting a few years to catch Henning at the convention when he had space from his larger works and this was the year. This is absolutely one of my favorite tattoo's. My girlfriend is definitely not as pumped. I'm blown away by his skill and kindness.
  10. This thread was cool before I began my back but now I so deeply feel everything that has been said. It's nice going through and empathizing with everyones journey. Just finished my third session with Horitomo and have the majority of it outlined. I learned to breathe for the sake of survival and sometimes I can convince myself that he's simply using a sharpie to draw more lines, and that eases the intensity (sometimesss). It's such a diverse world of pain sensation! Not sure how to get my buns to quit twitching. Hoping shading is slightly less painful but I find it hard to imagine the localized and constant digging in specific areas like the fumunderbuns and spine. Anyway, just wanted to thank everyone for what they have shared.
  11. Ah, Ive been debating this! I don't know if I'm the guy for a shunga. He so ridiculously multi talented... the shunga, script, grayscale, filler, etc. We're going to do a draw on.
  12. It's going to be a wild few months, some of my favorites from Europe will be in the bay and I couldn't pass them up. I just booked in with Stizzo and Dan Sinnes, and already had an appointment with Valerie Vargas for the SFO convention. Not sure what I'll get.
  13. Session two with Horitomo! Almost done with the lining and am looking forward to the shading.
  14. Was pumped to see this!
  15. Jesus man, well done. I've been thinking about adding Chuco to the list of must visits, and this might have solidified it.
  16. Thanks Bongsau! I got Saniderm and a wetsuit. Much appreciated.
  17. I'll definitely consider an ancient scuba suit; the rafting guides will get a kick out of it. I was thinking about putting some Saniderm on it, to be honest. It's already looking great 5 days in but I'll play it by ear. Thanks for the thoughts.
  18. Hey all, sorry in advance if I'm missing a previous thread. My shin was tattooed last week on Wednesday and I might go white water rafting this Sunday (11 days later). I usually heal quick but this is cutting it close. I'm wondering if it makes sense to try and cover my tattoo while rafting? Are there any tricks or tips to keeping tattoo's more dry, other than not exposing them to water?
  19. Hey all, sorry in advance if I'm missing a previous thread. My shin was tattooed last week on Wednesday and I might go white water rafting this Sunday (11 days later). I usually heal quick but this is cutting it close. I'm wondering if it makes sense to try and cover my tattoo while rafting? Are there any tricks or tips to keeping tattoo's more dry, other than not exposing them to water?
  20. Just got this San Jose tribute, from my buddy Matt Wes.
  21. I definitely get questionable looks from friends/coworkers each time I'm wrapped and healing, and it's admittedly difficult to not to feel shy about it. That's not to imply that it stops me from doing what I want though. I've covered my front, left arm and right leg in three plus years. I've also just started my back with Tomo. I'm moving a quick but I'm unsure how long I'll be in a place like the bay, with such phenomenal shops, artists, and tattoo history. It feels like my favorite artists are guesting constantly, and I suppose that they are. I'm not into material things, and I save well so it doesn't seem to be a problem. Also, I OCD on the empty space. A part of me wishes that I slowed down because my taste has matured significantly in just three years, but I don't regret anything that I have. Hoping to prioritize tattoo's from some older legends now like Eddy D, Bob Roberts and Henning. I know I'll be the guy tattooing the armpits and tender groin space when all else has been covered, like a crackhead of sorts. Better now while I don't have to care for others.
  22. Thanks all! Goldfish was one of my mentions, and Eddy suggested we "crack him open and put something inside". So pumped on how well it's healing. That Tony Blue Arms chest is awesome!
  23. Had a cool session with Eddy Deutsche and received this Goldfish, powered by a Kappa pilot. My input was: weird, eastern influence, and I threw out a bunch of classic imagery.
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