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Everything posted by s33ktruth

  1. You pretty much nailed the perfect workout, and way to do it. I worked out for 3 years straight, no partying, with a super strict diet of carbohydrates, lean beef, chicken, tuna, egg whites, vegetables, almonds, and proteins (casein, and whey). I got to the point where I felt I was too big, and my 181 lbs at 5"10 was unnecessary and very expensive to mainting. Nutrition is so much money, and eating healthy, plus taking vitamins and supplements. I was spending close to 350$ month on groceries and about 80-90$ every few months from taking vitamins and proteins. After a year, I decided to cut down my weight and get into something that works the heart, makes you lean, and all body workout. I was looking into jiu-jutsu but found it was too pricey for me. Real world applicable, HELL YEAH, but maybe when I'm older and make more money I live close to a Dallas-Gracie Jiu Jutsu gym also. I did some research and was looking into crossfitness style gyms, I wasn't really into the whole competitive fit contests they push at their gyms. After really studying more important aspects of working out, it boiled down to natural movement, resistance, and high intensity cardio. I found boxing, and I'm glad I did. The training sessions are tough, they work every part of you're muscle, and training is really fun. I like the variety of workouts you can do in boxing. A routine for me is usually three, 3 min rounds of shadow boxing, heavy bag, speed bag, double end bag, and if my coach isn't busy, hitting gloves. Once a week is usually conditioning day, and you do some work! A typical boxing workout lasts about 3.0 hrs for me, when I first got into it, I could barely last an hour due to my previous bulky state. I think boxing is really fun, and not over priced to do. I wish I had a training partner, that is another factor of reaching goals with a friend is a good motivator to push you to go, and stay in shape. I went form 181lbs to 154-155 lbs in about 6 months of training. I feel a lot more flexible, and agile. If I get burnt out on boxing I go skate at the park. Nutrition side, I stay away from anything that has fructose syrup, high concentrate sugar, and trans fat. Depending if it's a workout day for me, I try to eat a little bit of carbs in the morning, some fruit, egg whites or whole wheat cereal with water & orange juice. Lunch usually consist of a mix of proteins like chicken breast, protein bar. I noticed a huge different in how I feel when I started getting into shape, and eating healthy. I didn't get sick as much, my energy levels were high throughout the day, and I find it a good stress reliever and something productive to do. If anyone ever needs a work out plan or critique on meal plans I can help. I find this site BodyBuilding Dungeon very useful, they have great workout programs, nutrition plans, and all kind of fitness people post on there.
  2. I see also, not required to log in again tho if you see it.
  3. Anyone know who this shop is or the people? Welcome to Black Ink Gallery Online 2.0 ... The Evolution of Art & Tattoos quote from Seth Ciferri "they charged a grip of stuff to a stolen credit card, and defrauded the fine folks at Workhorse Irons."
  4. thats the fakest voices i've ever heard, good try tho
  5. Looks like he was a victim of a attempted murder, similar to the violent MS-13 gangs. He is also a so called killer and lives the lifestyle of a gangster, and probably has been pretty lucky in that kind of environment. I would suspect he suffered a lot of injuries from that size knife being penetrated into his face, such as crushed/broken face bones and jaw, not to mention a lot of major artery damage and possibly lost many teeth in the process of having a knife smashed in his face; not to mention a lot of loss of feel or motor skills on that part of the face. I couldn't imagine the pain that this guy went through and facial reconstruction to look somewhat normal. Pretty brutal, fuck!
  6. In no particular order but: Nick Ley Sam Chamberlain Roxy @ Elite Tattoo Ft. Worth Tx Dan Martin Haya (use to work at Scratch Addiction) Adam Barton Matt Shamah Adam Shrewsberry Ben Siebert Will Card (worked at True Tattoo, now at Saints and Sinners) Chad Soner
  7. I wish more shops would consider about tattooing hands and necks, than just giving it out, but it's personal preference on the shop owner's and artist. I am tired of seeing people who don't even have sleeves get the side of the neck or hands done before even getting their legs done. I saw this kid at the mall who had a small tattoo on the side of his face of a cross, and he didn't have any other tattoos. Another example, I saw a kid who had all of his hands and neck done, but no sleeves, it just looked stupid. On personal taste, I think having the side of you're neck looks good if it isn't too huge, and the top of you're hands if you already have sleeves/legs and you're torso/chest/stomach already done. I am still debating if I would get my hands done, the side of the neck unless I was really sure on what I'm doing in the future.
  8. damn, these guys should be the mascots hahaha......
  9. I don't know man, I have to agree with everyone here, don't try to fix it, don't go back to that guy, and like I said previously stop designing you're own "Sketches" in photoshop to give to people to tattoo. You can walk out of the shop much happier and pleased with what you're getting.
  10. Yeah I understand, I feel the same, getting a graphic design intern this summer, but I guess it will work for now :confused:
  11. This analogy of pie you refer to isn't a bad thing, if there is a demand for it, more tattooers will be out there. Now, over-saturating an area or people doing bad tattoos and art is something different. Just like any other industry, things will evolve, expand, and become larger. But then again I'm not a tattooer just a collector.
  12. What made you stop ? And I know what you mean by straight life, 40 hours/40 years deal, save up, and do what? Can you post some of you're work?
  13. Not the maker of the image, can I have some fun, k thx.
  14. Thanks for showing me, that is great
  15. Cory Rogers outlined my whole arm, and shaded half of my sleeve sleeve in 7 hours, we did this in one sitting. Total hours of my sleeve came out to 17 hours, this is a huge eagle and snake fighting.
  16. This was a good read, I got my g/f a nice japanese sleeve 2 years from a good friend of mine. Her parent's reactions were very obvious they were not happy she got her 1st tattoo a huge sleeve of a snake, and peonies with clouds. Her mother's response ofc was that it was way too much, and it didn't make her seem lady like. Each time she had her appointment, they would get upset, and say it's too much! Each time, I would bite my tongue on instances like this due to respect of her parents, and also because I live with them. Slowly, I would ask them, what makes it "too much" and why do you think it is that way for you? They are very old school on the idea of being heavily covered and think it is more of a infatuation and ritzy than anything else. Slowly they accepted that what she has, and who she is will always make her "feminine" enough, regardless how tattooed you are. My brother in law also, thinks that women with tattoos are trashy, which I don't understand, he grew up with the 80s punk scene, skating, and has every vinyl of awesome punk music, and has a subhumans tattoo himself. All in all, I find that modern society clings to beliefs of how they were cultured or raised about the idea of being "feminine" and what is "feminine". Being proactive with the public about questions and educating them to me; is much better than giving someone a negative reaction. The general public, will always look, and dart stares, regardless where you are. You are tattooed, you should expect to be approached, and questioned. I myself, did find it annoying, but now I take it with a grain of salt and take it in with a positive learning experience. Respectively, my dad hated the fact I was getting heavy coverage when I decided to start my 2nd sleeve when I was 21. Now that I have opened his eyes, and explained to him how tattoo culture is, where it came from, and why I did it, he doesn't think of it as so taboo.
  17. Sounds like you are in good hands, that is a nice incentive to give to you're artist. Don't feel like a pain, it's you're tattoo man.
  18. Thought you guys would really like this news site I read, the community is very awesome, and they post some really cool articles, pictures, and topics. The site layout is very awesome also, and once you get use to it, you will become a "redditor". The way the site works is, a sub-reddit is just a category for posters to post on, or let's just say a group. They have sub-reddit's for everything from world news, atheism, medical marijuana, politics, gaming, and so on. They support a lot of awesome views and people who are needing advice, all the way from sharing things you will NEVER hear on our news, t.v. news or find on the internet. A lot of the community are highly intelligent, and open to all kind of discussions. Most of the users including myself, migrated from digg.com to reddit, and I haven't looked back once. reddit: the voice of the internet -- news before it happens
  19. Whatever happened to Tattoo Wars on t.v. ? I think it aired on TLC at night, I don't remember, but I thought it was cool. I saw the episode with bugs XD
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