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Everything posted by s33ktruth

  1. Whatever Dan you draw bad ass shit, client was WRONG...hahaha
  2. A video example of the same concept. Hitler rants are the best ever. I like the cowboys one the best....I cried when I first saw it.
  3. Uhh...one my teacher works for Cisco, I'm sure all the experiences and stories about his company are all just a bunch of lies I guess. As far as things going overseas, I already know most of the jobs going overseas are in the IT field that are entry level like video graphics testing, call centers, tech support, etc. I'm specializing in security, have you heard of that? I have MANY friends who are software devs, network engineers, and have done more than just "interact with IT companies". If the job requires a dresscode no biggie, I can cover up and look like I have NONE. I know a lot more than you think man, just because you are older and use to be a admin for some company doesn't mean I'm in the same boat. Thanks bro.
  4. hahahahahah fucking bubbleberry.
  5. Let's see the best i can explain a meme is just a way of having an image and stating a joke inside of a blog/forum/comments from a user. here is a site that creates them for you Homepage | Meme Generator look at the example for each popular meme, you will catch on....
  6. s33ktruth


    ooo weee, love the blue
  7. I JUST missed you guys when I heard Richard was at Elm St. I wanted to come grab a print. Heard you guys left early. FML
  8. Some of the first flash I've seen when I first getting tattoed is a split set with Lee Hanna and Blake Harris (I Think). I also remember him making a sheet of flash with an awesome eagle that said "Texas is the home of players & pimps". My friend Cory tattooed it recently on someone, it's awesome.
  9. Hope you guys like this, this to the people who post on here that make me lol...
  10. LOL...actually Carlos told me dude!
  11. You should say..."do you want the whole tamale, or just the tip". that would be LOL worthy XD
  12. I would do this, and also make a funny sign at your shop window and say we cover up bad tattoos, or some kind of witty motif to make them look bad. That is a shame :(
  13. hmmm...depending on the tattoo and how big it is, for my laregscale pieces like my sleeve and my torso I had a good night's rest before the appointment, and a lot of fluids (water, juice) before the tattoo apt. No alcohol, no pills, and completely sober. Afterwards I try to apply a super hot rag to the spot I get tattooed and drink a lot of water. Nothing crazy, haha.
  14. So far Grime seems like a totally devoted artist, and works diligently while also being his harshest critic. It reminds me how passionate someone can be towards there hobby/career. It is truly inspiring. I watched the 1st episode with some of my friends at their shop and I can say that I have seen a few people like this when they are tattooing. Random story: Friend of mine told me that when Chris Trevino is tattooing he has the water running from the sink sometimes, and talks to himself like he is completely frustrated on the tattoo hes working on, when it looks flawless. Anyone else ever seen or been tattooed by someone this intense or similar persona?
  15. I use to work for Chase in a corporate office, I was a foreclosure analyst. One of the VP's who was head of Bankruptcy had his throat and neck done, and top of his hands tattooed. I for myself when I first started wore long sleeves, or a cardigan, and noticed some more people with a random fore arm tattoo walking around once I learned about the policy and tattoos at any workplace. What it's boiled down to most companies is as long as it's not offensive or say "fuck you", you should be treated like anyone else. Eventually I was wearing polos or short sleeve dress shirts and nobody really cared that I had sleeves and parts of my hand done. If anything random managers or VP's would come talk to me on break and ask about the art, and asked which dept I was from...was a neat icebreaker to meet them if I wanted to ever in the future switch depts and try something else out. Currently, I work for a small office doing a hybrid IT job (includes researching for recruiting and working with databases). The owners are genuine people and do not care at all that I have tattoos. Fortunately, I could say I'm lucky, but also, the times are changing for workplace and it's beginning to be very common for employees, managers, etc. to have tattoos also. As far as my career goes, I free lance design/intern for design, and after my associates plan on looking into being a system/network administrator. Most IT jobs do not care about the tattoos and sometimes let you work remotely from home.
  16. What the hell is a tattoo season? I've been tattooed all year round before, swimming or not, the tattoo still healed well and looks good. I don't like being tattooed when it's winter, mostly because you feel SUPER cold when you take a break. :)
  17. I like to lurk you now, it feels good.
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