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Margarita Yaschenko

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Everything posted by Margarita Yaschenko

  1. Thank you for this advice! :) we already choice a Edmonton festival for our trip ^_^
  2. Margarita Yashenko - Karviniya
  3. Margarita Yaschenko


    Margarita Yashenko - Karviniya
  4. Margarita Yashenko - Karviniya
  5. I see some gray part of old tattoo on upper petals of flowers - but it very easy for repaint such little spot. And this tattoo is really excellent!
  6. Hello. 50 hours is much ) very interested in the result for this time and woud love to see photos as other members :)
  7. Welcome! I very like birds in tattoos and have 3 tattoos with owl and other tattoos and one tattoo with half-bird half-human. And by coincidence, I have to drawing and to tattooing as many birds, they are beautiful rhythmic. ^_^
  8. Welcome and hello!) I think you have a change for the better in 2016 and you make a many conceived tattoos :) We going to the Edmonton in this year, i think it's a good city for tattoo =)
  9. Margarita Yaschenko


    Margarita Yashenko - Karviniya
  10. All design on this thread doesn't good for tattoo on fingers. This is good picture but not for tattoo if you want to see a good tattoo on your skin :) I discourage people about tattoos on his fingers. In a few years all of these tattoos look bad ...If you want to make a drawing for two select another place on the skin and, accordingly, a different idea and make a cool tattoo.
  11. Hello. Moles is better to bypass. Especially if you are not so many moles and they are small the tattoo artist can pick a figure that would not have affected the mole.
  12. Margrarita Yashenko
  13. Margarita Yaschenko


    Margarita Yashenko
  14. Margarita Yashenko
  15. Margarita Yaschenko


    Margraita Yashenko
  16. My first tattoo was a big bird-girl with wings and tattoomachine in her clutchs on the top of my back. All picture concealed clothing and i don't want to show it to my mother. At that time I was working as tattooartist about 2 years. But I hidden tattoo from parents one year ) But once upon i time I was in parent's home and was drawing something and my head was bowed to the paper and my mother saw the upper part of the figure due to the T-shirts. About an hour she walked me around the apartment and asked to see the picture. Six months later, I showed the whole picture together with a new tattoo on the hip. =)
  17. Hello everybody. Who of you from Canada? :) I have a question :) we will want to take in a part in tattoofest of there in the following year. But I don't uderstand which of this fest a big. In which Canadian cities are big tattoo-festivals? It is advisable to passing in the late summer and autumn thank you for answer :)
  18. i used and greywash and opaque grey in my work. Selection of the first or second method depends on the picture but is still a choice preferences. But i more like opaque grey - i think such tattoo look more bright (if such can be said for not colored tattoo) and solid. But method about used graywash darker :)
  19. Margarita Yaschenko


    Margarita Yashenko - Karviniya
  20. Often it happens. This is especially disappointing when the position for tattooing seems comfortable, and then the body becomes numb and sore in nontattooed body's places.
  21. Hello!) good picture =)
  22. Margarita Yaschenko


    Yashenko Margarita - Karviniya
  23. Margarita Yaschenko


    Yashenko Margarita - Karviniya
  24. The more the description of the desired object in the picture is better. Even if the description of the client will appear strange or silly it is better than too abstract objectless explanation. When somebody comes to me and says he wants to warm sweet tattoo - it could be anything.I have such an explanation will cause one association and another person to another. And I will draw a sketch of which as a result will not be so that the client expected. Because at the words "sweet and warm tattoo" I will represent as an object of the lamp, and the person will be the object pillow) as very simplified example. ) So I ask people who want to tattoo to explain it as detailed as possible - then the figure will be made easier. There are certainly exceptions, when prepared by drawing directly suited to the client, even though he had little to explain what he wants. But most people come in and ask for "something beautiful no matter what"=)
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