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Posts posted by FlipFlopDuckling

  1. I'm in Sydney and i think I'm leaning towards to wolf girl design but i want to change the wolf to a tiger. If someone could give me the names of some artists that specialise in the type of style of the tattoos i want to cover this one with and who know about covering existsing tattoos that would be amazing.

    Also, to change the wolf to a tiger who should i see about drawing up the new tattoo?

  2. Hey everyone I'm from Australia. A bit about me.. I'm 21, I'm currently studying at university and I love tattoo art. I don't know a lot about tattoos so I cannot give out an tips, suggestions or information but I was hoping you guys could help me out.

    I got my first tattoo on my foot on my 18th birthday down at my local tattoo shop down in the country and I absolutely love it. In fact I loved it so much I fell in love with tattoo and within a year and a half I was booked in to get my second tattoo on my upper thigh at the same place but with a different artist. I took in my reference picture and a local artist drew it up and I thought it was great. Sadly after it was finished it was nothing like the picture but I still loved it regardless. However, I'm now at the stage where I don't like how unprofessional it looked and am looking to cover it up. So I have turned to the internet to see if you guys can give me some advice on the cover up and if the photos I have chosen will work.

    I have attached my reference photo, my actual tattoo and what I was hoping to cover it with. Thanks guys.

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